scientific library
George Nikitin
James Bradley - great astronomer finding out a stellar abberation and who has calculated speed of light
James Bradley


8.9.1941 - 12.6.2005


George Nikitin was born on September 8, 1941 in city Gagra, Georgia. His father was the serviceman. In 1960 George has finished high school N1 of Sevastopol. In 1961 he is married. George Nikitin has two sons, two grandsons and one grand daughter.

Since 1964 untill 1970 he studied in the Kiev Engineer-building Institute on the speciality of engineering geodesy.

From 1972 to 1977 he has finished a post graduate course at the same institute in department “Automation of Geodesic Measurements”.

His time record continued since 1961 from engineering up to the senior engineer of the landman.

George Nikitin was engaged in science during all his life. His favorite occupation was design of complex geodesic devices. He was inventor and rationalizer.

There are following known scientific papers:

Series of Nikitin's experiments, made by him during two tens years finished by widely known experiments in May - September, 2003, has shown availability of a new physical phenomenon - the displacement of beam of light to the center of Earth on an angle appropriate to Galilean vector composition of light velocity and the escape velocity in a check-in location.

Nikitin's experiment and phenomenon detected by him are fundamental discovery in physics, which one will define a basic change of paths of development of physics as soon as possible.

The phenomenon discovered by Nikitin should be named as “NIKITIN PHENOMENON”. This phenomenon stands in series of such, as discovered by James Bradley in 1728 the phenomenon of the stellar abberation and the phenomenon of nutation of Earth's axis in 1748. Nikitin Phenomenon has a direct relation to the stellar abberation. The Galilean vectorial velocity composition of light and local speed presents in both phenomena. In case of a stellar abberation it is an orbital velocity of the Earth, and in case of Nikitin phenomenon there is an escape velocity.

Keeping the interpretations of a Nikitin Phenomenon behind frameworks of the given memorial site, we attempt to keep carefully scientific heritage of talented and original experimenter untimely left from us.



Measurements of variations in the direction of light beam, 2004, translated from Russian by Herman Holushko.

The Phenomena of Inertia and Gravitation

On a Capability of Refinement of Gravitational Constant

On the Physical Essence of Concept of Mass

Probably, Michelson was wrong...

Hubble Constant (new view)

About Light Beam Deflection in Gravitational Field of the Earth

Probable Fluctuations of Gravitational Field of the Earth

An Optical Inertial Sensor

The Optical Absolute Gravimeter - AGON

To a problem of Terrestrial Refraction Factor


Yuri M. Galaev

Vladimir Nemov

Igor M. Stark

Karim A. Khaidarov

scientific library

Знаете ли Вы, что релятивистское объяснение феномену CMB (космическому микроволновому излучению) придумал человек выдающейся фантазии Иосиф Шкловский (помните книжку миллионного тиража "Вселенная, жизнь, разум"?). Он выдвинул совершенно абсурдную идею, заключавшуюся в том, что это есть "реликтовое" излучение, оставшееся после "Большого Взрыва", то есть от момента "рождения" Вселенной. Хотя из простой логики следует, что Вселенная есть всё, а значит, у нее нет ни начала, ни конца... Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.


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