Working with ABAP Development Tools (Quick Launch)
This Quick Launch page aims to
provide you with the compact knowledge you may need when working with ABAP
Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver during the introductory or training period.
Find the complete version including cheat sheets in the IDE (Help > Help
Contents > ABAP Development User Guide > Getting Started > Quick
Getting Started...
To start, create
an ABAP project. An ABAP project always represents one
system connection. TIP: To be able to
work in multiple ABAP systems in parallel, you only need to create one
additional ABAP project.
development objects in your project using Ctrl + Shift
+ A.
or double-click the corresponding node in the ABAP project.
Browse the
contents of an ABAP system in the Project Explorer. The
root of an ABAP project contains a list of ABAP packages that are grouped
either under the favorites list (Favorite
Packages) or the System Library node.
You can find the development objects simply by expanding the package node.
packages that are relevant for your work to
the list of favorites.
Use Link
with Editor whenever you change an object in the editor, this object will be selected in the
expanded Project Explorer tree.
Use the Outline
to display the structure of a development object.
Add a new ABAP
development object (for example: a new class) to a package
by selecting the package and using the context menu New
> ABAP Class
Working with the Editor
You can open
multiple development objects in multiple editor tabs.
Search for
references to your development object using the Where-Used function (Ctrl + Shift
+ G)
Open the Quick
Outline in the editor using Ctrl + O.
Navigate the
source code using F3 or Ctrl + Click.
To navigate
between editors, click the back or forward arrow key on
the toolbar.
To switch
between the class, its local types or its ABAP Unit test classes, use
the bottom tabs of the class editor.
Press F2 to display
the signature of a class or method.
ABAP Source Code
To change
the source simply start typing directly in the editor.
Use code
completion (Ctrl + Space) in the editor.
Insert source
code templates using code completion and then Shift + Enter.
Start the ABAP
language help with F1 in
the source code editor.
Format the
complete source code (Shift + F1) or a source
code block (Ctrl + Shift + F1) within the
Activate one or
multiple development objects using the corresponding icons in the toolbar.
Compare source
code objects, even across different ABAP systems,
using the Compare with function in the
context menu of the editor or Project Explorer.
Running ABAP Unit Tests
Run ABAP Unit
tests for one or multiple development objects using the
context menu Run As > ABAP Unit Testor
Shift + F10 in the editor or Project Explorer
ABAP Unit test
results are displayed automatically for you in the ABAP
Unit Runner view.
ABAP Programs and Test Environments
programs or test environment for classes or function modules using
the context menu Run As > ABAP Application in
the Project Explorer or by pressing F8.
with ABAP Runtime Errors (ABAP Short Dumps)
If a runtime
error occurs in a program that you have started, the IDE will alert you to
an ABAP feed with a small window. However, you can also subscribe
to an ABAP feed from the ABAP repository. To subscribe
to an additional ABAP feed, press Ctrl + 3 and
select Feed Reader.
Getting User Assistance Support
The Welcome page
(Help > Welcome) provides a standardized set of pages that introduce
the ABAP Development Tools to new users.
To access the complete
reference user guide in the context of standard ABAP
development, choose Help > Contents > ABAP Development
User Guide.
Press F1 to
request context-sensitive help for a given tool or UI component.
The cheat
sheets provided will guide you interactively through some
essential tasks.
Samples Gallery (Help > Welcome > Samples) allows
you to take a look at the source code of a variety of ABAP samples that
are available in your development system.
Знаете ли Вы, что абстрагирование - это одна из основных мыслительных операций, позволяющая мысленно вычленить и превратить в самостоятельный объект рассмотрения отдельные стороны, свойства или состояния объекта в чистом виде.