ABAP/4   ОКМ   ДМ   экономическая информатика   4GL   Теория и практика обработки информации

Компьютерный язык ABAP/4 - ключевые слова



1. MOVE f TO g.
2. MOVE f+off1(len1) TO g+off2(len2).

Variant 1

MOVE f TO g.


Moves the contents of field f to field g . Field f remains unchanged.
This statement is equivalent to:
g = f.



The fields NUMBER and FIVE now both 5.


Multiple assignments like


are also possible. ABAP/4 executes them from right to left (as in the above example).
If the field types or lengths differ, type conversion follows automatically. Type I fields are handled like type P fields. If you select the fixed point arithmetic attribute for an ABAP/4 program, type P fields are either rounded according to the number of decimal places or filled with zeros.
In contrast to WRITE TO , the decimal character is always a period (.), regardless of the specification in the user master.
MOVE allows you to copy tables and structures which contain other tables.

Two tables can be copied only if this is possible for their respective lines. If the line types are incompatible, conversions are performed line by line. If itab is a table with a header line, the table itself can be addressed with itab[] .

Two structures which themselves contain tables can only be copied if they are compatible (i.e. if the ABAP/4 type check allows this).
Conversion table ( f -> g ) depending on the types of f and g :
C -> C Left-justified transfer. If the target field is longer than the source field, it is padded with blanks on the right. If it is shorter than the source field, the left part of the source field is copied and the rest is truncated. C -> D The field f must be an 8-character date in YYYYMMDD format. C -> F The character string in f must be a valid representation of a floating point number (DATA ). C -> N Only the digits in f are valid here. They are moved to g , right-justified and padded with zeros on the left. If the target field is too short, digits on the left are truncated. C -> T The field f must contain a 6-character time specification in HHMMSS format. C -> P the field f must contain a decimal number, i.e. a sequence of numeric characters with optional signs and more than once decimal point; there may be blanks on either side. If g is too short, an overflow error can occur. C -> X The field f must contain a hexadecimal character string (i.e. the only valid characters are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F). The number to be converted is treated as a hexadecimal number rather than a decimal number,
e.g.: C'15' -> X'15' .
It is transported left-justified to g and either padded with zeros or truncated,
e.g.: C'AB' -> X'AB00' .
f is processed up to the first blank.
C'ABC' -> X'ABC0', C'ABC0' -> X'ABC0'
C'ABC D' -> X'ABC0', C' AB' -> X'0000'
D -> C Left-justified transfer without conversion D -> D Transfer without conversion D -> F As for D -> P and then P -> F D -> N As for D -> C and then C -> N D -> P Inverse of P -> D D -> T Not supported: Error message D -> X Inverse of X -> D
F -> C f is converted to E format and moved to g . E.g.: F'-3.142' -> C'-3.14200000000000E+00'
If the mantissa is unequal to 0, it is standardized so that it lies between 1.0 and 9.99...
The exponent is generally 2-digit; it is only converted to 3-digit format if it is greater than 99 or smaller than -99
The exponent always appears with a sign.
If g is too short, the mantissa is rounded.
e.g.: F'3.152' -> C' 3.2E+00' .
The length of g should be at least 6, otherwise it g is filled with asterisks (*). F -> D See F -> N F -> F Transfer without conversion F -> N f is rounded as with F -> P and then treated like a P field. F -> P f is rounded, e.g. F'-3.512' -> P'-4' . F -> T See F -> N F -> X See F -> N
N -> C f is treated like a C field; leading zeros remain. N -> D As for N -> C and then C -> D N -> F As for N -> P and then P -> F N -> N Right-justified transfer; on the left, padded with zeros or truncated. N -> P f is packed and moved to g with a positive sign (+). If g is too short, an overflow error can occur. N -> T As for N -> C and then C -> T N -> X As for N -> P and then P -> X
P -> C f is moved to g with a trailing sign and, if required, a decimal point.
e.g.: P'-1234567' -> C'12345.67-'
1) One position is always reserved for the sign and, in the event of a positive number, a blank is output.
2) Leading zeros are output as blanks.
3) If g is too short, the blank representing the sign in the case of positive numbers is omitted; if this is insufficient, the number is truncated on the left - this is indicated by an asterisk (*).
Examples (the P field f has the length 2, the C field g the length 3):
P'123' -> C'123', P'-123' -> C'*3-'
4) If you do not want to reserve a position for the sign, use the WRITE TO statement with the addition NO-SIGN .
5) To convert with leading zeros and without formatting characters, use the UNPACK statement. P -> D The value in f is the absolute date (i.e. the number of days since 01.01.0001) and is moved to g in the YYYYMMDD format. This takes into account that the Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar on 15.10.1582. The value 0 (and negative values) are transferred into the initial date '00000000'. P -> F The field f is moved to g as a floating point number. P -> N Right-justified transfer without sign; padded with zeros on the left. P -> P If g is too short, an overflow error can occur. P -> T The value in f is an absolute time (i.e. the number of seconds since midnight modulo 24 hours = 86.400 seconds) and is moved to g in HHMMSS format. P -> X The value in f is stored in g as a hexadecimal number. E.g.: P'15' -> X'0F' .
Negative numbers are represented by the two's complement.
e.g.: P'-153' -> X'FF67' .
If the length of g is greater than 4, only the last 4 Bytes are provided for according to the value of f ; the Bytes before them are padded with Hex-0.
If g is too short, the number is truncated on the left.
T -> C As for D -> C T -> D Not supported: Error message T -> F As for T -> P and then P -> F T -> N As for T -> C T -> P Inverse of P -> T T -> T Transfer without conversion T -> X Inverse of X -> T
X -> C f is converted to hexadecimal format. The result is transferred left-justified and padded with blanks or truncated on the right.
e.g.: X'0F' -> C'0F' X -> D The value in f is an absolute date (number of days since 01.01.0001) and is moved to g in YYYYMMDD format. (See also P -> D.) X -> F As for X -> P and then P -> F X -> N As for X -> P and then P -> N X -> P f is treated as a hexadecimal number and moved to g in decimal packed format.
e.g.: X'0F' -> P'15'
If f is longer than 4, only the last 4 bytes are processed.
If g is too short, an overflow error can occur. X -> T The value in f is an absolute time (i.e. the number of seconds since midnight modulo 24 hours = 86,400 seconds) and is moved to g in HHMMSS format. (See also P -> T.) X -> X Left-justified transfer; padded with X'00' on the right or truncated.


Runtime errors


Variant 2

MOVE f+off1(len1) TO g+off2(len2).


With offset off2 and length len2 , field g receives the contents of field f with offset off1 and length len1 .
Therefore, the offset and length specifications can also be variable.



FIELD2 now has the value ' abc23 h '.

Variant 3



1. ... LEFT
2. ... RIGHT


c1 and c2 must be type C fields; n is a field with a numeric value between 0 and 100. The left part of field c1 ( n percent) is moved to field c2 and is left-justified. c2 is filled with blanks if necessary.

Addition 1

... LEFT


This is the standard. With this statement, you can make clear that transfer is to be left-justified.

Addition 2



Transfer is right-justified, the left part of field c1 as standard.


The runtime required to transfer a C(1) field to a C(1) field is 1 msn (standard microseconds).
Conversions should be avoided for performance reasons, i.e. the fields should have the same type and length. For example, a MOVE of a C(10) field to a C(10) field takes about 2 msn, while a MOVE of a C(10) field to a type I field needs about 10 msn.

© SAP AG 1996
ABAP/4   ОКМ   ДМ   экономическая информатика   4GL   Теория и практика обработки информации


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