ABAP/4   ОКМ   ДМ   экономическая информатика   4GL   Теория и практика обработки информации

Компьютерный язык ABAP/4 - ключевые слова


Variant 5



1. ... DESTINATION dest
2. ... EXPORTING p1 = f1 ... pn = fn
3. ... TABLES p1 = itab1 ... pn = itabn


Flags the function module func to be run asynchronously. It is not executed at once, but the data passed with EXPORTING bzw. TABLES is placed in a database table and the next COMMIT WORK then executes the function module in another work process.


This variant applies only from R/3 Release 3.0. Both partner systems (the client and the server systems) must have a Release 3.0 version of the R/3 System.

Addition 1



Executes the function module externally as a Remote Function Call ( RFC ); dest can be a literal or a variable.
Depending on the specified destination, the function module is executed either in another R/3 System or as a C-implemented function module. Externally callable function modules must be flagged as such in the function library (of the target system).
Since each destination defines its own program context, further calls to the same or different function modules with the same destination can access the local memory (global data) of these function modules.

Addition 2

... EXPORTING p1 = f1 ... pn = fn


EXPORTING passes values of fields and field strings from the calling program to the function module. In the function module, the formal parameters are defined as import parameters. Default values must be assigned to all import parameters of the function module in the interface definition.

Addition 3

... TABLES p1 = itab1 ... pn = itabn


TABLES passes references to internal tables. All table parameters of the function module must contain values.


If several function module calls with the same destination are specified before COMMIT WORK , these form an LUW in the target system.
Type 2 destinations (R/3 - R/2 connections) cannot be specified.

© SAP AG 1996
ABAP/4   ОКМ   ДМ   экономическая информатика   4GL   Теория и практика обработки информации


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