Queries for and retrieves system events.


Declare Function ScreenEvent ( ByVal event As Any Ptr = 0 ) As Integer


result = ScreenEvent( [ event ] )


Specifies the buffer where the function should store the event data.

Return Value

Returns -1 if there are pending events to be retrieved, 0 otherwise.


This function returns the latest available system event from the internal GfxLib events queue. By "event" we mean any mouse or keyboard activity, for example.

The event data (if available) will be copied into the buffer pointed That should be declared as an Event

Querying for events
The function returns -1 if there are pending events to be retrieved, 0 otherwise. If the event parameter is set to 0 (the default if omitted) ScreenEvent will not be able to copy the event data and it will not dequeue it from the internal events queue. Calling the function this way can be useful to check if there are pending events without actually fetching them.

If you receive a KEY_PRESS, KEY_RELEASE or KEY_REPEAT event, it does not clear the keyboard buffer. If you need the buffer to be clear after you receive the event, you will need to clear it manually. See Inkey.


'' include for some useful definitions
#include ""
#if __FB_LANG__ = "fb"
Using fb '' constants and structures are stored in the FB namespace in lang fb

Dim e As EVENT

ScreenRes 640, 480
    If (ScreenEvent(@e)) Then
        Select Case e.type
        Case EVENT_KEY_PRESS
            If (e.scancode = SC_ESCAPE) Then
            End If
            If (e.ascii > 0) Then
                Print "'" & e.ascii & "'";
                Print "unknown key";
            End If
            Print " was pressed (scancode " & e.scancode & ")"
            If (e.ascii > 0) Then
                Print "'" & e.ascii & "'";
                Print "unknown key";
            End If
            Print " was released (scancode " & e.scancode & ")"
            If (e.ascii > 0) Then
                Print "'" & e.ascii & "'";
                Print "unknown key";
            End If
            Print " is being repeated (scancode " & e.scancode & ")"
            Print "mouse moved to " & e.x & "," & e.y & " (delta " & e.dx & "," & e.dy & ")"
            If (e.button = BUTTON_LEFT) Then
                Print "left";
            ElseIf (e.button = BUTTON_RIGHT) Then
                Print "right";
                Print "middle";
            End If
            Print " button pressed"
            If (e.button = BUTTON_LEFT) Then
                Print "left";
            ElseIf (e.button = BUTTON_RIGHT) Then
                Print "right";
                Print "middle";
            End If
            Print " button released"
            If (e.button = BUTTON_LEFT) Then
                Print "left";
            ElseIf (e.button = BUTTON_RIGHT) Then
                Print "right";
                Print "middle";
            End If
            Print " button double clicked"
            Print "mouse wheel moved to position " & e.z
            Print "mouse moved into program window"
            Print "mouse moved out of program window"
            Print "program window got focus"
            Print "program window lost focus"
        End Select
    End If

    Sleep 1

Platform Differences

  • ScreenEvent does not return window related events in the DOS version, but does return input events.

Dialect Differences

  • Not available in the -lang qb dialect.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also

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