Declares a module-level or member procedure


Declare Sub name [ param_list ] [ Constructor | Destructor ]
Declare Function name [ param_list ] As return_type
Declare Operator op_symbol param_list [ As return_type ]

Type T
Declare Constructor [ param_list ]
Declare Destructor
Declare Sub name [ param_list ]
Declare Function name [ param_list ] As return_type
Declare Operator name [ param_list ] [ As return_type ]
Declare Property name [ ( [ param_list ] ) ] [ As return_type ]
End Type


Parenthesized comma-separated list of parameters.
The return type of a Function, Operator, or Property procedure.
The name or symbol of the routine.
The name or symbol of an operator.
The name of a new user-defined type.


The Declare statement declares a Sub, Function, Operator, Constructor, or Destructor. We will refer to one of these as a routine.
The routine can be referred to in code without seeing its definition, although it must be defined somewhere. Essentially, the Declare statement introduces a routine, and states that its definition is elsewhere. For example, a function can be declared at the top of a source module, called, then defined at the bottom of the source file, as shown below the example.

A routine's declaration is almost identical to the first line of its definition, except the declaration is preceded by the Declare keyword and has no body. Also, attributes such as Export are left off the declaration.

FreeBASIC, as QB, does not require the declaration of the functions unless they are defined in a different source file or in the same file past the point where they are called. This is no longer true for routines declared inside a Type body, which must always be declared first in the Type's body before use. If you do not declare Type routines you will receive an error.

As every file using a function must have its declaration, declarations are usually kept in one or more include files to allow usage of the function by any module that needs it using the #include statement.


Module-level Function:
'' declare the function sum which takes two integers and returns an integer
Declare Function sum( As Integer, As Integer ) As Integer

   Print "the sum of 420 and 69 is: " & sum( 420, 69 )    '' call the function sum

'' define the function sum which takes two integers and returns an integer
Function sum( a As Integer, b As Integer ) As Integer
   Return a + b
End Function

Type-level Sub:
Type my_type
    my_data As Integer
    Declare Sub increment_data( )
End Type

Sub my_type.increment_data( )
    my_data += 1
End Sub

Dim As my_type an_instance

an_instance.my_data = 68

an_instance.increment_data( )

Print an_instance.my_data

Dialect Differences

Differences from QB

  • In FreeBASIC, the parameter names are optional.

See also

Знаете ли Вы, что в 1965 году два американца Пензиас (эмигрант из Германии) и Вильсон заявили, что они открыли излучение космоса. Через несколько лет им дали Нобелевскую премию, как-будто никто не знал работ Э. Регенера, измерившего температуру космического пространства с помощью запуска болометра в стратосферу в 1933 г.? Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.


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