Returns the color attribute of a specified pixel coordinate


result = Point( coord_x, coord_y [,buffer] )
result = Point( function_index )


x coordinate of the pixel
y coordinate of the pixel
the image buffer to read from
the type of screen coordinate to return: one of the values 0, 1, 2, 3

Return Value

If the x, y coordinates of a pixel are provided Point returns the color attribute at the specified coordinates.
If the argument is a function index, Point returns one of the graphics cursor coordinates set by the last graphics command.

Argument Value Returned
0The current physical x coordinate.
1The current physical y coordinate.
2The current view x coordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(0) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used.
3The current view y coordinate. This returns the same value as the POINT(1) function if the WINDOW statement has not been used.


GfxLib Function with two different uses.
If supplied with two coordinates it reads the color of the pixel at the coordinate coord_x, coord_y of the screen, or of the buffer, if supplied.
The value return is a color index in a 256 or less color Screen, and an RGB value in true color modes. If the coordinates are off-screen or off-buffer, -1 is returned

If supplied with a single value it returns the one of the coordinates of the graphics cursor as set by the last graphics command executed. If the last command was executed in a buffer, the values returned will be coordinates in the buffer. Arguments out of the range 0-3 will return 0.

The function Point does not work in text modes.

Optimization note: while Point and the opposite PSet provide valid results, they are very slow. Much better performance can be achieved by using Peek after calculating the address yourself from values obtained from ImageInfo and ScreenInfo, or even more usig inline ASM.


Screen 13 
Line (10,10)-(100,100),12
Print Point(20,20)

Differences from QB

  • buffer is new to FreeBASIC
  • In SVGA modes, a 32-bit RGB value is returned

See also

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