Specifies that a member procedure is read only.
Type typename
Declare Const membertype membername ...
End Type
Name of a user defined data type.
membername ...
Name of the member to declare or define with parameter list or return value following.
Specifies that the
membertype immediately to the right of the
Const qualifier is to be considered as read only. Read-only (
Const) declarations are a measure of type safety that can be read as 'promises not to change.' The compiler uses the const declarations to check operations on variables and parameters and generate an error at compile time if their data could potentially change. There is no runtime overhead for using
Const qualifiers since all of the checks are made at compile time.
Const, when used preceding
membertype at the beginning of a declaration indicates that the hidden
This parameter is considered read-only. The declaration can be read as 'invoking
membertype promises not to change
typename', and the compiler will error if the member procedure tries to change any of the data fields, or calls a non-const member procedure. Member procedures can not be both
Const and
Static since static member procedures do not have a hidden
This parameter.
'' Const Member Procedures
Type foo
x As Integer
c As Const Integer = 0
Declare Const Sub Inspect1()
Declare Const Sub Inspect2()
Declare Sub Mutate1()
Declare Sub Mutate2()
End Type
Sub foo.Mutate1()
'' we can change non-const data fields
x = 1
'' but we still can't change const data
'' fields, they are promised not to change
'' c = 1 '' Compile error
End Sub
Sub foo.Mutate2()
'' we can call const members
'' and non-const members
End Sub
Sub foo.Inspect1()
'' can use data members
Dim y As Integer
y = c + x
'' but not change them because Inspect1()
'' is const and promises not to change foo
'' x = 10 '' Compile error
End Sub
Sub foo.Inspect2()
'' we can call const members
'' but not non-const members
'' Mutate1() '' Compile error
End Sub
Differences from QB
See also