Static (Member)
Declaration specifier for a static member procedure.


Type typename
Declare Static membertype membername ...
End Type


name of a user defined data type
membername ...
Name of the member to declare or define with parameter list or return value following.


When declaring a member procedure, Static specifies that the member procedure not have an implicit instance argument passed to it, and thus can only access values passed to it. Static member procedures may access Private or Protected members in their type, but to call procedures you must pass the Object as an additional first parameter. You may call a static member procedure anywhere in your code just like any other procedure in a type, i.e. variable of the type.static procedure name(arguments). The address of a static member function can also be assigned to a function pointer using the standard Procptr() or the @ Operator usage.


'' Example showing how the actual procedure invoked by a member can be set at runtime.
'' using static member procedures.
Type Object

  Enum handlertype
  End Enum

  Declare Constructor( ByVal ht As handlertype = ht_default)

  Declare Sub handler()

  Declare Static Sub handler_default( ByRef obj As Object )
  Declare Static Sub handler_A( ByRef obj As Object )
  Declare Static Sub handler_B( ByRef obj As Object )
  handler_func As Sub( ByRef obj As Object )

End Type

Constructor Object( ByVal ht As handlertype )
  Select Case ht
  Case ht_A
    handler_func = @Object.handler_A
  Case ht_B
    handler_func = @Object.handler_B
  Case Else
    handler_func = @Object.handler_default
  End Select
End Constructor

Sub Object.handler()
End Sub

Sub Object.handler_default( ByRef obj As Object )
  Print "Handling using default method"
End Sub

Sub Object.handler_A( ByRef obj As Object )
  Print "Handling using method A"
End Sub

Sub Object.handler_B( ByRef obj As Object )
  Print "Handling using method B"
End Sub

Dim objects(1 To 4) As Object => _
  { _
    Object.handlertype.ht_B, _
    Object.handlertype.ht_default, _
    Object.handlertype.ht_A _
  '' 4th array item will be Object.handlertype.ht_default

For i As Integer = 1 To 4
  Print i,
Next i

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also

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