3GL   4GL   5GL   .


- ++

++, , , - . , , , - : , .

++ - . , , . ++ . "" , "" . ++ , .

, , , .

#include "stdio.h"
int i;
char temp[80], buff[80];

printf (" :");
gets(temp); i = atoi(temp);
printf (" :");
gets (buff);
printf (" : %d\n", i);
printf (" : %s\n", buff);

#include "iostream.h"
int i;
char buff[80];

cout << " :";
cin >> i;
cout << " :";
cin >> buff;
cout << " :" << i << "\n";
cout << " :" << buff << "\n";

- ++. cin - , , cout - , . cin cout, , (), (), iostream ().


++ - - printf() scanf() , ++ , . ++ / << >>, . ( ), << >> .

cout << ;


( scanf()).


int i;
cin >> i;

, i &. , >>:

cin >> ;

/ ++, iostream.h.

++ . . , .


class _


  1. _ , .
  2. , , . , , . - .
  3. , , , (private) . .. . public. , public, , , . . , .

struct _3d
 double mod ();
 double projection (_3d r);
 double x, y, z;

class _3d
 double x, y, z;
 double mod ();
 double projection (_3d r);

++ class. , , . struct , , , .

mod() projection(_3d r) _3d, . , , , . . .

double _3d::mod ()
 return sqrt (x*x + y*y +z*z);

double _3d::projection (_3d r)
 return (x*r.x + y*r.y + z*r.z) / mod();


 _3d a, b;
 double dPro, dMod;
 dMod = a.mod();
 dPro = b.projection(a);


++ - .

, , , ++ , .

double power (double x) {return x*x;}
int power (int x) {return x*x;}

, , : abs(), labs() fabs() , , , . - , (.. ), . ++ "" .

int abs (int x) { return x<0 ? -x:x; }  // 1
long abs (long x) { return x<0 ? -x:x; } // 2
double abs (double x) { return x<0 ? -x:x; } // 3

cout << " -1000" << abs(-1000) << "\n";   // 1
cout << " -1000L" << abs(-1000L) << "\n";   // 2
cout << " -1000.0" << abs(-1000.0) << "\n";   // 3

++ , overload. .

, " , ".

. , . . . , , . .

: .

, - , , . :

int i1, i2, i3;
long int l1, l2, l3;
double f1, f2, f3;
i1 = i2 + i3;
l1 = l2 + l3;
f1 = f2 + f3;

"+". ( , ). , , . , "+" ( ) .

. BASIC "+". , "+", , , .

++ , - , , ++ , .

. ( ) operator , . . - .

struct _3d
 double x, y, z; //
 _3d operator + (_3d);
_3d _3d::operator + (_3d b)
 _3d c;
 c.x = x + b.x;
 c.y = y + b.y;
 c.z = z + b.z;
 return c;

(). () . - ".".


_3d A, B, C;
A.x = 1.0;
A.y = 1.0;
A.x = 1.0;
B = A;
C = A + B; // C = A.operator + (B); /operator +(...) A/


. , , , . (, ). , , , "+" , 18 "". , .

++. . , , .

, .


void f (int i=0, int j=1); // f (...)
void f (int i, int j)
... //

f (); // i 0, j 1
f (10); // i 10, j 1
f (11, 22); // i 11, j 22

j, i , . , , .

. .

. , , , , , . , , , .

        3GL   4GL   5GL   .

, (. snippet , ) , . , . , , . (IDE) . , Microsoft Visual Studio, Borland Developer Studio, . IDE Geany snippets.conf ( : /home/user/.config/geany) . , Macromedia Dreamweaver Zend Studio, -.

 10.11.2021 - 12:37: - Personalias -> WHO IS WHO - - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:36: - Conscience -> . ? - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:36: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> ... - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:35: - Ecology -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> . - _.
10.11.2021 - 12:34: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> , - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:18: - New Technologies -> , 5G- - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:18: - Ecology -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:16: - Ecology -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:15: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _.
10.11.2021 - 09:13: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _.
Bourabai Research -  XXI Bourabai Research Institution