Oracle . , - SQL ANSI/ISO SQL. , , . "" ( ) , . "--" . SQL , , PL/SQL, .
, , . Oracle . , , .
, , , -, :
1. , , 1995 , ( " ") , , .
2. .
( ). ? , , : - , , ++, , , , 02, . , / . , , , , , , , , , . . , , . , , - SQL.
" SQL" , , , , . . ANSI ISO SQL, , SQL2, 1990 SQL3.
ANSI SQL (Oracle - ), , , . SQL3 , PL/SQL. SQL , , "" .
SQL3 , , SQL3 . , . () , ++. , SQL3 , (circumrelational).
, SQL3 , , . , SQL3 - , . , ; - .
SQL2 ISO, ANSI, 1992 SQL-92. SQL-86 SQL-89, , SQL SQL-95. , , , , , , SQL-92, SQL3.
, SQL3, - SQL3 . , , , . (SQL-92 7 , SQL3 . SQL3 , , , , , .) ISO - SQL MultiMedia - , SQL3 (Full Text area), , SQL3 (Spatial Data area).
, , - . , ( ) , - , , ( , ). , , , , , .
SQL3 , () , .
Create type Address ( number char (6), street char (30), aptno integer, city char (30), state char (2), zip integer ); Create table Addresses of Address;
Create table Addresses of new type Address ( number char(6), street char(30), aptno integer, city char (30), state char(2), zip integer );
"of new type" . , . , "" .
Create table HomeAddresses of Address;
reate table People of new type Person ( name char (30), address Address, birthdate date );
Person - , (composite) ( " "). , , , :
Create table People of new type Person ( name char(30), address Address, function age ( : ref(Person)) return interval day; return ; function set age(: ref(Person), :d interval day) returns ref(Person); begin :.birthdate:=current_date - :d; return :p; end; private birthdate date );
( ) birthdate , private. , birthdate . ( , , private). ++, protected - , ( ).
private public . public. , , public (accessible in principle). , , .
, SQL:
Select birthdate from People; / * , */ / * Person */
SQL3 ++ , , , .
SQL class type, , , . , (Abstract Data Types), .
Create type Employee under Person ( emp no char(10), dept ref(Department) );
, , , - , under. (overloading), (). , .
- , , . , (persistent objects). , ( ).
, , , , - - . , - :
<oid, value>
value .
oid ( ):
Select ha.oid from HomeAddresses ha where ?;
, Select * value ( !).
oid , :
Insert into HomeAddresses values(?) alias :chezvous;
alias oid :
Update HomeAddresses set zip=94022 where oid=:chezvous;
ref , , :
, , , :
Create type Person ( name char (30), address Address, birthdate date, bestfriend ref(Person) );
ref(Person) bestfriend, :
Create table ObjectPeople of new type Person ( name char (30), address Address, birthdate date, bestfriend references ObjectPeople );
, , check unique, . , , - , SQL3 , . . -, ref(T), without oid. -, oid , with oid not visible. , oid , , oid , - rowid. , with oid notvisible, " " , .
ref- :
Insert into ObjectPeoyle (name) values ('.-J. Dahl') alias :ole johan;
Ole Johan - ref(Person), , , ObjectPeople, bestfriend.
Insert into ObjectPeople (name, bestfriend) values ('. Nygaard', :ole johan) alias :kristen;
Select op.bestfriend into :bf from ObjectPeople where oid=:kristen;
oid , , , .
Select name(bestfriend) from ObjectPeople where oid=:kristen;
name bestfriend ref(Person), (join). (SQL3 , , , .)
, , Create type
Create type template Set(: type) ( ); Create table People of type Person ( name char(30), address Set(Address), birthdate date );
Set(Address) , Address :. , .
-, , .
(distinct types) - , :
Create distinct tyge Kilometres as integer; Create distinct tyge Kilogrammes as integer;
, , .
Create distinct type Sad as Set(ADDRESS);
, . ( ) : , get set, , . , , ( ), SQL3 (virtual) . ; . :
Create table People of new type Person ( name char(30), address Address, age virtual, function age(: ref(Person)) return interval day; return _ ; function set_age(: ref(Person), :d interval day) returns ref(Person); begin :p.birthdate:=current_date - :d; return :p; end; private birthdate date );
. :
age updatable virtual get with foo set with bar,
foo bar - , . read only virtual (, ) , get with.
(Insert) (Update) , :
Insert into ObjectPeople (name, age) values ('. Myhraug', current_date - date'1932-02-29') alias :bjorn; Update ObjectPeople set name='B. Myhraug', age=current date - date '1932-03-29' where oid=:bjorn;
, . , (private) . "" .
: , ; , , - . - , . , , . , (, , ""), ( " ").
. , ( , ++ ). , , , .
1. SQL, , - ?
, SQL3 . , , , , SQL2, SQL, , . , SQL, - SQL , , , , - , .
2. , " " ?
, . , . ( ), , , (transient) (persistent). (overloading), , ++, . , , , . SQL , , , . , .
3. , ?
3 , - - , , . Oracle , , . , , , , . , , , , .
, 04, 1994
![]() | 10.11.2021 - 12:37: - Personalias -> WHO IS WHO - - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:36: - Conscience -> . ? - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:36: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> ... - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:35: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , - War, Politics and Science -> . - _. 10.11.2021 - 12:34: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> , - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:18: - New Technologies -> , 5G- - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:18: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:16: - Ecology -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:15: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _. 10.11.2021 - 09:13: , , - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> - _. |
![]() |