© Copyright - Karim A. Khaidarov, December 1, 2003.
Dedicated to the bright memory of my daughter Anastasia
True knowledge is a knowledge by
Fransis Bacon
Taking as a fact [1] the presence of the ether in the Universe, united
quasiisotropic, incondensible and elastic medium, being the main basic matter,
the carrier of the whole energy, all processes, occurring in the Universe, and
taking for the base of beliefs about it working models [2,3,4], presenting it
in the manner of twocomponent medium - corpuscular and phase, we will consider
its some thermodynamical effects caused by motion of ether in itself.
Notion of the Temperature
Under statistical study of heat chaotic
moving of the matter particles, presenting itself form of kinetic energy in
microscale, we address to notion of the temperature, being most available to
measurement and studies by feature of such motion.
The notion of the temperature is background
in thermodynamics due to its invariance to concrete forms of matter, allowing
study energy of these forms, compare their thermodynamic parameters and find
information on characteristics of these forms of matter even though they
inaccessible for direct observation.
While energy and entropy are portioned and
additive features of matter, temperature is a local point parameter,
characterizing intensity of energy-informational exchange in given point [5]:
T = dQ/dS [J/nit] = dQ/kdS [oK],
here dQ
– is incrementation of heat energy [J];
dS – is
incrementation of entropy [nit].
k – is Boltzmann’s
constant, factor of recalculation of temperature from [J/nit] into Kelvin’s
degrees, 1 oK = 1.38∙10-23 [J/nit] = 2.0∙10-23 [J/bit].
In turn heat energy as kinetic energy of
particles is defined by general formula
Q = S miVi2/2
here mi
– is a mass of i–th particle;
Vi – is a
velocity of i–th particle.
Entropy of this ensembles of particles is
defined by following expression
S = - S pj ln pj [nit] = - S pj log2pj [bit], S pj = 1,
here pj
– is probability of j-th condition of system of particles.
Since particles of matter can have absolutely
different mass, but under their collisions are executed the laws of
conservation of amount of motion and energy, that absolutely different
velocities of particles correspond to the same temperature.
The mass of electron less than mass of
molecule on four orders, efficient mass of photon (hn/c2) usually less than masses of electron on much
orders, but joined mass of particle of the ether less than efficient mass of
photon much orders. That difference entails the phenomena of existance of
different temperatures, existing in the same place: the temperature of
substance, the temperature of electrons, the temperature of radiation, the
temperature of ether. Only after significant time these temperatures can be
balanced as a result of energy-informational exchange.
As a result of thermodynamic interaction all
types of matters are changed the kinetic energy of particles and entropy.
Physicists can measure thermodynamic parameters of substance, electrons and
electromagnetic field without problems. Can we measure the same parameters of
the ether? We will show that it is possible.
Temperature of Corpuscular Ether
Corpuscular ether, as well as other types of matter, formed by it,
inheres in thermodynamic balance with electromagnetic radiation. As it is shown
in [1], it absorbs radiation of stars and it is source of black-body radiation, which spectrum
corresponds to 2.723 ±0.003 oK.
Attempts of measurement of ether temperature has centennial history.
The first most precise measurement, as I know, there was made by professor
Erich Regener (Stuttgart, Germany) in 1933 [6]. 2.8oK, got by him,
practically complies with modern value, got by means of high-priced electronic
and cosmic equipment.
By the Wien’s Law a wavelength of maximum of energy of black-body
radiation of corpuscular ether is
λ = b / T
= 0.002878 / 2.723 = 1.057∙10-3 [m] (1)
Radiational ability of ether under its usual temperature 2.723 oK
is very low. As defined in [1], Hubble constant is a factor of fading the
electromagnetic radiation in ether and accordingly to that a factor of its
radiational ability (Kirchhoff’s Law). Energy of quantum is
= hν = hνo e –H t , [J] (2)
here h
– is Planck’s constant,
νo– is a frequency of radiated quantum,
ν – is a frequency of received quantum,
H – is Hubble’s constant (factor of
absorption within ether),
t = R/c
– is time between radiation and acceptance of
quantum on distance R.
Thence intensity of absorption of light in the ether is
dWq /dt
= Hhν, [J/s]
The value 1/H =
13.5∙109 years is time of fading the quantum on e times. Thereby thermodynamic
balance between radiation and airwaves is fixed during milliards years in usual
Energy of quantum (2) presents itself two at the average equal to each
other components in empty ether
= εoE2/2+
, [J]
here εo
– is dielectric permeability of ether, 8.8542∙10-12 [F/m],
μo –
is magnetic permeability of ether, 4π ∙10-7 [H/m],
E – is electric field strength of quantum [V/m],
H – is
magnetic field strength of quantum [A/m].
While electric component is a form of potential
energy of ether, magnetic component presents itself a kinetic energy of photon.
Exactly last part of energy we may associate with heat energy of the ether,
radiating these quantums.
For wavelength (1) this energy is
Wk = hc / 2λ = 9.3989∙10-23
[J] (5)
here c – is the velocity of light in the ether.
Presenting balance radiation of the ether as
a Boze-gas of photons, it is possible to define heat energy of quantum from the
same temperature
Q = nkT / 2
= 5 ∙1.38066∙10-23 ∙2.723 / 2 = 9.3989∙10-23
[J], (6)
here n
= 5 – is number of liberty
degrees of photons Boze-gas,
k – is
Boltzmann’s constant,
T – is temperature.
Thereby, both from spectrum of
black-body radiation, and from heat energy we got the same value,
characterizing kinetic energy of corpuscular ether for interstellar Space.
Ethereal Domains
potential energy of corpuscular ether is defined by its gravitational potential
φ = c2. Thereby velocity of light
is a quantum velocity of corpuscular ether elements, that is to say its values
can be only zero or c. Substituting values (5) or (6) in formula of
kinetic energy for mass, it is possible to get efficient mass of elementary volume
of corpuscular ether, which behaves as integer, vary for adjacent volumes at
the speed of light
Wk = md c2 / 2 =
[J], md = 2.092∙10-39 [kg], (6)
volume of corpuscular ether we will name the ethereal domain. Lets try to
define its size and characteristics.
[2], the fictituous Young's modulus of corpuscular ether Eo = 7.5983∙1017
[kg/ms2] was found by
author. Knowing that corpuscular ether in usual condition is liquid-cristal
isotropic medium, having Poisson's ratio μ=0.5, using value of Young's modulus it is possible to find shift modulus for quick
motion in corpuscular ether
G = Eo / 2(1+ μ) = 2.533∙1017 [kg/ms2].
it is easy to find fictituous density of corpuscular ether, defined by inertial
properties of this medium
ρ = G / c2
= 2.818 [kg/m3].
If we
know density and considering that efficient mass of ethereal domain (6) is
joined mass of its volume, it is possible to find its semiperimeter and
efficient radius accordingly [7]
πRd = 3√(3md /2πρ) (7)
calm ether, that is to say in conditions of empty Space the radius of domain is
Rd = 2.253∙10-14
that is 8 classical radiuses of electron.
an original shell consisting of rolling particles of phase ether, including
quantum electric dipoles "positrino" and "negatrino",
described in [3], ethereal domain is easy electrically polarized, like domains
of ferroelectrics. Consisting of amers, being ideal whirligig, about which lord
Kelvin wrote more that century ago, ethereal domain is like a ferromagnetic
characteristics create the condition for existance of electromagnetic wave in
ether, where its dielectric ε and magnetic μ
permeabilities are linear capacity [F/m] and linear inductance [H/m], which are
defined the characteristics of domains, like LC-cells of electric line of
delay, shown on figure 1.
Fig. 1. The electric model of ethereal domains medium.
that velocity of the wave propagation in ether is defined as
c = 1 / √(εo μo) [m/s]
here εo = 1 /
(Rw c), μo = Rw /c ,
Rw = 376.730 [Ohm] – is a wave resistance (impedance)
of the ether.
last a value, undeservedly forgotten by physicists-theorists, is one of few
really fundamental values, defining the image of Universe.
according to stated stady it is becomes clear that if sizes of ethereal domains
is changed by some reasons, that the local velocity of light changes. In number
of these reasons can be as thermodynamic - change the temperature of
corpuscular ether, so ponderomotoreal - change the form and orientation of
understandable further interpretation of thermodynamics of the ether, lets stop
on fundamental physical values, where we will direct the partial order after
centennial hoax in physics.
Fundamental Constants of Universe
are few really fundamental constants. Except considered Young’s modulus of the
ether Eo and wave
resistance Rw, the following independent constants, which are not
changed in Time and Space were used by
Hubble Constant H = 73.2
±0.7[km/s Mps], found on red-shift of remoted objects of far astronomy, and
inverse it Anastasia’s constant A = 13.36 ±0.13[109 years],
found by author in work [4] from results of processing of gravitational
variations on the Earth’s surfaces without using data of distant astronomy.
These constants define time constant
of corpuscular ether in absolute, evenly current, univariate time of Universe,
the speed of establishing of thermodynamic balance in the ether.
The velocity of light in
absence of gravitation field co =
299792963 ±10[m/s]. It is determined by author in work [2], exceeding the
velocity of light in vacuum on surfaces of Earth on 507 +10[m/s]. It is a
square root of gravitational and, consequently, energy potential of corpuscular
ether of the Universe. It is impossible muddle this constant with local
velocity of light, which, as it is shown by multiple experiments in special
mediums can change from few [m/s] up to many millions [m/s].
Radius of amer – the
element of corpuscular ether Ra = 1.61606∙10-35 [m],
found by author in work [3], corresponding to fundamental Planck’s Length
Planck’s Mass -
efficient (energy) mass of amer, ma=2.17673∙10-8 [kg].
It is
possible to deduct following, dependent from aboves, but also independent from
Time and Spaces, fundamental physical constants.
1. Energy of amer Ea = ma
co2 =
[J]. This energy defines density
of potential energy of corpuscular ether per unit of volume
De = 3Ea
/ 4πRa3 = 1.11066∙10113 [J/m3].
2. Gravitational potential of corpuscular ether, described in
[2,3,4], defining characteristics of gravitational field
φo = co2 = Ea / ma =
[J/kg], [m2/s2].
3. Energy moment of the ether Eh
= Ea Ra = 3.16159∙10-26 [J m], characterizing quantum-dynamic characteristics of the ether, and
unlike Planck’s Constant, not dependent from local velocity of light.
4. Gravitational moment ho = ma Ra = 3.51773∙10-43 [kg m], defining quantum interactions, not
depending unlike Planck’s Constant from local velocity of light.
5. Gravitational permeability
of ether γo = ma/Ra = 1.34693∙1027 [kg/m], defining macro-scale gravitational interaction, not depending
from local velocity of light unlike Gravitational Newton’s Constant.
6. Maximum Temperature of the ether Tk
= Ea /k = 1.41697∙1032 [oK], here k – is Boltzmann’s Constant, introduced by
Planck having the sense recalculating factor of thermodynamic temperature
[J/nit] into Kelvin’s degrees only. Corpuscular ether reaches this temperature,
when its domains are completely destroy and each amer will move liberally.
7. Dynamic density of the ether ρ = Eo / 3φo = 2.818 [kg/m3] –
the value, which defining inertional property of corpuscular ether for
particles, moving inside it with velocity, commensurable with the speed of
8. Stefan-Boltsmann’s Radiation Constant
a = π2 k4 / 15Eh3 = 7.56558∙10-16 [J / m3 oK4].
Thermodynamic Model of the Ether
The majority of other "physical
constants" are dependent from local temperature of ether. Increasing of
this temperatue leads to ether "dilution", reduction of ethereal
domains size, and accordingly to increase of local velocity of the light
Lets sonsider thermodynamic phenomenas in
ether and their influence upon "old" physical constants in detail.
In previous papers of the author [2,3,4]
working model of ether, consisting of identical elements - amers and two
component of its medium:
Corpuscular ether, pseudo-liquid, practically
- practically still medium, consisting
of amers;
phase ether, pseudo-gas, consisting of
"vacancies" of corpuscular ether, opaque for electromagnetic waves
and being gravitons, dullard up to the second Space Velocity.
in light of quantum thermodynamics, it is possible to elaborate that model,
else more simplified it. For this goal we introduce following postulate,
resulting from correctness of previous calculation of the temperature of ether
(Space Background Radiation).
The Postulate of
quantum velocity of the ether
Only two values of velocity for elements of the ether exists: zero and
local velocity of light. That is to say velocity of amer is quantum value.
In case of fairness of given postulate there
is no need in the physical presence of "vacancies" of phase ether,
and it can use as just synonym of amers, moving on surfaces of ethereal domains
at the speed of light.
Moving the flows of phase ether from one
stellar body to another at the order of Second Space Velocity of local
gravitational pit is nothing else than redistribution of moving amers between
ethereal domains under influence of gravity force. Herewith their individual
velocity remains the equal to velocity
of light.
Thereby, correction a working model of ether
will be following.
ether presents itself by identical quantum particles – amers of two velocities:
zero and velocity of light. Herewith it is possible to select the following
types of its conditions:
corpuscular ether, representing itself as
superliquid pseudo-liquid, collected in separate domains and practically still
in the Space;
phase ether, representing itself by amers of
light velocity, moving on borders of domain of corpuscular ether, being
separator of phase ether domains;
gravitons - amers, moving through ether
radially from gravitating bodies, regardless of borders of domains.
Thermodynamics of Ethereal Domains
in balance condition the heat energy of ether is proportional to
three-dementional energy of radiation
ρ ct2
~ aT 4 ,
here ρ
– is independent from temperature dynamic density of the ether;
ct - local velocity of light at ether
temperature T,
a – Stefan-Boltzmann’s
local light velocity depends on temperature
of ether by square-law.
all physical "constants", depending from local velocity of light
depends from the temperature of ether in corresponding degrees. On physical
level this easy explicable by changing the characteristics of ether as medium,
carrying and forming all physical processes.
increasing of temperature, as it can be seen from (6) and (7), as well as from
given electric model of domain structure of ether, sizes of domains, being
carriers of ether polarization characteristics, are decreasing, and accordingly
this, local velocity of light for heated area of ether is increasing also
Rd(t) = Rdo To/T .
here Rdo
– radius of domain for temperature of Cosmos To = 2.723 oK,
T – local temperature of ether.
that linear capacity and inductance of ether that is to say dielecrtic and
magnetic permeabilities decrease by square-law from growing of the temperature
of ether.
Thermodynamically Dependent Physical
In connection with stated ideas
the following physical constants, depending from local light velocity, that is
to say from the temperature of airwaves, are not constant in different from
cosmic vacuum conditions.
Local light velocity ct = co (T/To)2
Planck’s Constant ht
= 2π ho ct ; ht=2.7 = 6.62619∙10-34 [J s].
Newton’s Gravitational Constant γt = ct2/γo; γt=2.7 = 6.6726∙10-11 [m3 kg-1 s-2].
Dielectric ether permeability εt = εo (To/T)2 [F/m].
Magnetic ether permeability μt = μo(To/T)2 [H/m].
Local ether Young’s modulus Et
= Eo (T/To)4
Local ether dynamic shift modulus Gt
= Go (T/To)4
Pieces of Evidence of Thermodynamic Model of
the Ether
As already there was written at
the initially, temperature of ether practically does not depend on the
temperature of molecules of substance in according to big difference of amer
and molecules sizes. However ethereal domain commensurable on size with
electron. So, acting on domain by means of electrons it is possible to change
the local temperature of ether. This is relieved that ethereal domain are easy
polarizationable like domains of ferroelectrics and magnetically permeabilitive
like domains of ferromagnetics.
The fact of excess of usual
light velocity in active mediums - in volume of optical active material, where
electronic shells are subjected by "pumping" energy of outside source
of light, is well known to laser physicists [8].
That phenomena appears when the
inversion of population density of electronic levels are created inside that
active medium, that is to say the thermodynamic non-balance condition,
corresponding to over-maximum values of temperature of electrons is created.
This condition brings about active heating the ether in inter-shell space of
atoms that is to say destruction of ethereal domain occurs.
As a result electric and
magnetic permeability of ether fall surrounding atoms. The last leads to
according growing of local light velocity.
For example we will consider the
known experiment of Wang-Kuzmich-Dogariu [9], in which the group (corpuscular)
velocity reachs 310 light speeds. According to proposed theory of the ether
that corresponds to ether heating on route of ray up to temperature
T = To√310 = 50 oK.
We see another picture during
magnetic cooling the material, when electrons of zero pulse promote cooling the
ether. Lets consider the known experiment of Hau-Harris-Dutton-Behroozi [10],
in which group (corpuscular) light velocity, missed through Boze-condensate,
fall down to value 17 [m/s]. Temperature of ether in this case is
T = To√ (17/co
) = 0.00065 oK.
Insolvency of
relativistic looks at nature of Cosmos, experimental proved by author in [1],
working model of the ether and gravitational interactions in it [2] have
allowed to throw light upon nature of matter [3] and to explain phenomena of
gravitational variations [4], unexplained before present time.
theoretical basis has allowed to develop working model of the ether in
persisting work up to possibility of using the thermodynamics in the ether
thermodynamic model of the ether allows to explain the experiments, revealled
change of light group velocity in greater, and in smaller side from usual
The true
fundamental physical constants, peculiar to the Universe, are discovered. The frames of aplicability
of existing physical constants are determined.
The potential
energy of ether, which value does not leave any doubts in that all material
physical processes are only measly spume on surfaces of this ocean is
Karim Khaidarov
Almaty, December 1, 2003.
Date of registerred priority: December 1, 2003.
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