Researcher, Electrical Engineer
John Roy Robert Searl (born May 2, 1932) is a British inventor from Wantage, England. Between 1946 and 1956 he designed and constructed a device known as the Searl Effect Generator (SEG), variously claimed to be anti-gravity and perpetual motion device. The official science does not recognize it, because the existence of perpetual motion machines is in principle ruled out by the first law of thermodynamics.
Searl was an apprentice employee of BR Rewinds in Grays Inn Road, London. There he gained permission to use the company's facilities and technical resources to make the device. He claims that, in December of 1946, with all of the magnetic components manufactured to his specifications, he assembled the generator in his residence at 30 Crawley Rd, Haringey, London, UK; the initial prototypes worked to produced electricity but it generated unexpectedly extremely high voltage along with gravitomagnetism, following which the initial devices were dramatically lost during testing due to a strong anti-gravity effect. In 1991 his discovery of antigravitation there was confirmed by V. V. Rosshin and Godin in Russia..
Searl was convicted of stealing electricity by bypassing his electricity meter, and damaging the property of the electricity company. He then engaged in a vendetta against the electricity company.
Searl has since claimed that he and his colleagues subsequently built over 50 versions of his 'levity disc', of various sizes, and learned how to control them. He claims that persecution by the authorities resulted in wrongful imprisonment and the destruction of most of his work, so that he has had to start all over again. His claim that in the early 1970s one of his craft flew round the world several times without being detected does nothing to enhance his credibility.
In 1991 Anders Heerfordt investigated the claims of Searl concerning the devices that Searl claimed to have shown, as well as verifying claimed witness reports. None of these claims could be verified. Furthermore, Gunnar Sandberg has never seen any of the effects described. Sandberg, as reported through Heerfordt, found a son of Searl "who had seen disks being suspended from wires, so that they could be photographed, but who had not seen any his demonstration of antigravity or free energy.”
1. Электромагнитная волна (в религиозной терминологии релятивизма - "свет") имеет строго постоянную скорость 300 тыс.км/с, абсурдно не отсчитываемую ни от чего. Реально ЭМ-волны имеют разную скорость в веществе (например, ~200 тыс км/с в стекле и ~3 млн. км/с в поверхностных слоях металлов, разную скорость в эфире (см. статью "Температура эфира и красные смещения"), разную скорость для разных частот (см. статью "О скорости ЭМ-волн")
2. В релятивизме "свет" есть мифическое явление само по себе, а не физическая волна, являющаяся волнением определенной физической среды. Релятивистский "свет" - это волнение ничего в ничем. У него нет среды-носителя колебаний.
3. В релятивизме возможны манипуляции со временем (замедление), поэтому там нарушаются основополагающие для любой науки принцип причинности и принцип строгой логичности. В релятивизме при скорости света время останавливается (поэтому в нем абсурдно говорить о частоте фотона). В релятивизме возможны такие насилия над разумом, как утверждение о взаимном превышении возраста близнецов, движущихся с субсветовой скоростью, и прочие издевательства над логикой, присущие любой религии.
4. В гравитационном релятивизме (ОТО) вопреки наблюдаемым фактам утверждается об угловом отклонении ЭМ-волн в пустом пространстве под действием гравитации. Однако астрономам известно, что свет от затменных двойных звезд не подвержен такому отклонению, а те "подтверждающие теорию Эйнштейна факты", которые якобы наблюдались А. Эддингтоном в 1919 году в отношении Солнца, являются фальсификацией. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.