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PhD. Felix Gorbatsewich

Scientific degree:
PhD., Doctor of engineering science

Membership in scientific and business organizations::
Scientific activity in the field of geophysics, physics of minerals and rocks. The member of the Russian Acoustic Society and Russian Mineralogical Society.

The Leading Scientific Employee of the Kolean Scientific Center. The Scientific Secretary of the Project No. 408 of International Program on Geology of UNESCO "The Rocks and Minerals on Depth and Surface"

North-western Polytechnic Institute, Radio Faculty, 1969;
Scientific degree of the candidate of engineering science (at Scientific Advice at the Leningrad High Military Engineering and Construction Schoo named after A. Komarovsky, 1980;
Scientific degree of the doctor of engineering science (at Scientific Advice of the VIRG Research Institute, 1992.

Professional Carrier::
Since 1964 till 1983 the activity at Mining Metallurgical Institute of the Kolean Branch of Ac. of Sci. of the USSR. Since 1983 and till present time - the activity in the Geologic Institute of the Kolean Centre of Science of Ac. of Sci. of the USSR, in scientific positions. Realization of researches of physical properties of kerns of rocks of mining facilities of Kola, Ural, Tyrnaus, Worotilov super-deep wells.

Scientific interests:
Research of properties and states of minerals, monomineral and polymineral rocks on depthes of 1-50 kms, processes of propagation of springy waves in anisotropic haotic lumpy environments. Development of theoretical and phundamental physics of a new scientific direction - acoustic-polariscopy of rocks and minerals. Study the properties and frame of aether (physical vacuum).

Geophysics, physics of minerals and rocks, springy waves propagation in anisotropic, incidentally - nonuniform media.

Current activity:
Realization of researches on a subject: "the research of elastic and inelastic properties rockforming of minerals and crystalline rocks with counting of effects of the factor of depth and metamorphism of transformation".
Realization of researches under the project MPGK-408 of UNESCO "Matching of the structure and frame both physical properties of rocks and minerals from Kola SG-3 and its homologues on the surface"

More than 180 scientific papers, including 8 inventions, 3 monographs, 5 methodical guidelines, 7 collective monographs in total are published. Following three new phenomena appearing in minerals and polycrystallic rocks are discovered and investigated:

  • The phenomenon of a disintegration of rocks at its extraction from depthes superior 4-6 km.
  • The phenomenon of a linear acoustic anisotropy of absorption (clone of the optical dichroism widespreaded in methamorphized rocks and some minerals)
  • The phenomenon of depolarization of shear modes at its propagation in environments with differently oriented crystalline domains.

The main publications:

  1. Gorbatsewich F.F. The Reflection and Passing of Elastic Waves on a Boundary of Environments. Apatites: The Kola Branch of Acad. of Sci. of the USSR Publ., 1985, 98 p.
  2. Acoustopolariscope for measurement of an elasticity of solid environments / Gorbatsewich F.F. Invention N 1281993, USSR, MCI G01N 29/04. Bull. of Invent., 1987. Nо 1.
  3. Gorbatsewich F.F. Acoustopolariscopy of rocks. - Apatites: Publ. of the Kolean Centre of Science, 1995, 204 p.
  4. Gorbatsewich F.F. The Fundamentals of the Theory of a Nonempty Aether. Murmansk: MILORI Pub., 1998, 47 p.
  5. Gorbatsevich F.F. Elastic-anisotropic Properties of the Core from the Cross-section of the Kolean Super deep Bore Hole (SD-3): Measurements by Means of Acoustopolariscopy. Scientific Drilling (1997) 6:103-111.
  6. Gorbatsevich F.F. Depolarization of Shear Waves in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Media. - Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth, Vol.34, No.6, 1998, pp.514-520.
  7. Gorbatsevich F.F. Acoustic polarization method for determining elastic symmetry and constants of anisotropy in solid media. - Ultrasonics 37 (1999) 309-319.
  8. Gorbatsevich F.F. Acoustopolariscopy of rock forming minerals and crystalline rocks. - Apatity: Kola Sci. Centre RAS, 2002. 152 p (3.94 Mb PDF)
    The fundamentals of the acoustopolariscopy method, determination results for elastic and non-elastic properties of some rock forming minerals and crystalline rocks are outlined in the work. Previously unknown effects - linear acoustic anisotropic absorption and depolarization of shear waves have been revealed in the samples of naturally occurring minerals and rocks. The book is destined for specialists dealing with acoustics, geophysics, geology as well as theory and practice of determining solid body properties.
  9. Gorbatsewich F.F. The Ether and Universe, St-Peter., 2004 - 2007
  10. Gorbatsewich F.F. On the Force of Gravity, 2006
  11. Gorbatsewich F.F. Inertia and Gravitation, 2011
  12. Gorbatsewich F.F. On the Gravity Force, 2011

LINKS to Dr. Gorbatsewich

Знаете ли Вы, что в 1965 году два американца Пензиас (эмигрант из Германии) и Вильсон заявили, что они открыли излучение космоса. Через несколько лет им дали Нобелевскую премию, как-будто никто не знал работ Э. Регенера, измерившего температуру космического пространства с помощью запуска болометра в стратосферу в 1933 г.? Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.

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10.11.2021 - 12:36: СОВЕСТЬ - Conscience -> РАСЧЕЛОВЕЧИВАНИЕ ЧЕЛОВЕКА. КОМУ ЭТО НАДО? - Карим_Хайдаров.
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10.11.2021 - 12:34: ВОЙНА, ПОЛИТИКА И НАУКА - War, Politics and Science -> ПРАВОСУДИЯ.НЕТ - Карим_Хайдаров.
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10.11.2021 - 09:18: ЭКОЛОГИЯ - Ecology -> ЭКОЛОГИЯ ДЛЯ ВСЕХ - Карим_Хайдаров.
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10.11.2021 - 09:15: ВОСПИТАНИЕ, ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ, ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> Просвещение от Екатерины Коваленко - Карим_Хайдаров.
10.11.2021 - 09:13: ВОСПИТАНИЕ, ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ, ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ - Upbringing, Inlightening, Education -> Просвещение от Вильгельма Варкентина - Карим_Хайдаров.
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