Профессиональный научный форум физиков посвященый проблемам физики эфира, астрофизике, геофизике, климатологии, экологии, прогнозу землетрясений, проблемам развития физической науки в современном обществе
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Карим_Хайдаров канд.техн.наук, администратор
Написано: 05.11.2010 в 21:59:48 | #11 |
Дата:07.07.2008 10:45 От кого:Карим Хайдаров Заголовок:Re(2): Прошу прощения Сайт:http://bourabai.kz/ > Но в целом, я так понял, Солнце всё-таки сильно далеко не отклоняется, вглубь галактики (где опять же опасные сверхновые и облака) не уходит. Так что все попытки подогнать вращение Солнца под массовые вымирания - затея не самая умная. К тому же, по датам там не совпадает... - Свою позицию я изложу скоро в статье на сайте. | --------- Истинное знание есть знание причин - Френсис Бэкон | | | | БорисАндреев ветеран форума, астрофизик
Написано: 05.11.2010 в 22:00:13 | #12 |
Дата:06.07.2008 09:16 От кого:Андреев Борис Заголовок:Re(3): Круг коротации Сайт:- After their birth, the clusters follow Galactic orbits that can be easily calculated, since we know the Galactic potential.Knowing the present-day space velocity components, we can integrate each orbit backward for a time interval equal to the age of the cluster and find where the clusters were born. The birth place of each cluster indicates the position of a spiral arm at a past time equal to its age. In principle, it is not difficult to tracethe motion of the arms. Our task is to find the most reliable wayto extract this piece of information from the cluster data.Before looking for precise methods to determine the coro-tation radius, we call attention to the fact that a direct inspectionof the distribution of the clusters in the Galactic plane gives anapproximate value of that radius, in a way that does not dependon any particular choice of a rotation curve or of a set of Ga-lactic parameters. the clusters that wereborn some 10–20 Myr ago, and since then are rotating around the Galactic center with about the velocity of the rotation curve, have rotated slower than the spiral pattern at the outer radii, and faster than the spiral pattern at the inner radii. This is what we expect toobserve, if the corotation radius is between the two arms, that is,close to the Sun.3.1. Methods to Determine the Pattern SpeedWe propose two methods to trace back the orbits of theclusters and find their birthplace, which we call ‘‘true integra-tion’’ and ‘‘circular rotation,’’ and two methods to derive therotation velocity of the arms, based on the birthplaces of theclusters; we call them ‘‘direct observation of pattern rotation’’and ‘‘reconstruction of the present-day arms.’’ In this work wepresent the two best combinations of these methods. | | | |
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