Starts a user-defined procedure in a separate execution thread


Declare Function ThreadCreate ( ByVal proc As Sub ( ByVal As Any Ptr ), ByVal param As Any Ptr = 0, ByVal stack_size As Integer = 0 ) As Any Ptr


result = ThreadCreate ( proc [, [ param ] [, stack_size ] ] )


A pointer to the Sub intended to work as a thread.
Optional Any Ptr argument for the Sub pointed to by proc (it can be a pointer to a structure or an array if more arguments are needed).
Optional number of bytes to reserve for this thread's stack.

Return Value

Threadcreate returns an Any Ptr handle to the thread created, or the null pointer (0) on failure.


The user function is started as a thread executes in parallel with the main part of the program. The OS achieves this by assigning it to a different processor if it exists, or using the waiting times in the main program.

Before closing, a program must wait for the termination of all the threads it has launched; see ThreadWait.

To avoid simultaneous access to shared resources from different threads, FreeBASIC implements mutexes, mutual exclusion locks that can be "owned" by a single thread when doing critical work. See MutexCreate, MutexLock, MutexUnlock, MutexDestroy.

On some systems, the stack automatically grows beyond stack_size if more space is needed; on others, this is the fixed maximum allowed. Behavior is undefined when more stack is used than the reserved size on systems where stacks are not able to grow.


Dim Shared terminate As Integer = 0

Sub mythread (param As Any Ptr)    
    Dim As Double t = Timer
    While( 1 )
        Print "*";
        '' pause for .1 second
        While( Abs( Timer - t ) < .1 )
            Sleep 1, 1
        t = Timer
        If terminate=1 Then Exit Sub
End Sub

Dim thread As Any Ptr
Dim b As Integer
Dim As Double t

Print "Main program prints dots"
Print "Thread prints asterisks"
thread = ThreadCreate( @mythread, 0 )
Print "Thread launched";

While b < 30
    Print ".";
    '' pause for .1 second
    While( Abs( Timer - t ) < .1 )
        Sleep 1, 1
    t = Timer
    b += 1

Print "Terminate launched";
ThreadWait (thread)
Print "Thread terminated"

Dialect Differences

  • Threading is not allowed in -lang qb

Platform Differences

  • Threadcreate is not available with the DOS version / target of FreeBASIC, because multithreading is not supported by DOS kernel nor the used extender.
  • In Linux the threads are always started in the order they are created, this can't be assumed in Win32. It's an OS, not a FreeBASIC issue.

Differences from QB

  • New to FreeBASIC

See also

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