Writes text to the screen


Print [ expressionlist ] [ , | ; ]


list of items to print


Print outputs a list of values to the screen. Numeric values are converted to their string representation, with left padding for the sign. Objects of user-defined types must overload Operator Cast () As String.

Consecutive values in the expression list are separated either by a comma (,) or semicolon (;). A comma indicates printing should take place at the next 14 column boundary, while a semicolon indicates values are printed with no space between them. This has a similar effect to concatenating expressions using + or &.

Print also supports the special expressions, Spc() and Tab(). These can be used to space out expressions, or to align the printing to a specific column.

A new-line character is printed after the values in the expression list unless the expression list is followed by a comma or semicolon. A Print without any expressions or separators following it will just print a new-line.

NOTE: Print resets the Err value after each expression is printed.

For more control over character style and text position in graphics modes, consider using Draw String.


'' print "Hello World!", and a new-line
Print "Hello World!"

'' print several strings on one line, then print a new-line
Print "Hello";
Print "World"; "!";

'' column separator
Print "Hello!", "World!"

'' printing variables/expressions
Dim As Double pi = Atn(1) * 4
Dim As String s = "FreeBASIC"

Print "3 * 4 ="; 3 * 4

Print "Pi is approximately"; pi
Print s; " is great!"

Dialect Differences

  • In the -lang qb dialect, an extra space is printed after numbers.

Differences from QB

  • None, when using QBASIC's variable types in -lang qb.
  • Unsigned numbers are printed without a space before them.
  • QB did not support casting for UDTs, so didn't allow them to be Printed.

See also

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