Open Com
Opens a serial port for input and output


Declare Function Open Com ( byref options As String, As filenum As Integer ) As Integer


result = Open Com( options, As[#] filenum )


A String containing options used in controlling the port.
The file number to bind to the port.

Return Value

Returns zero (0) on success and a non-zero error code otherwise.


This command opens a serial port of the PC, allowing to send and receive data by using the normal file commands as PRINT #, INPUT#, GET #,...

The main parameter is a String that describes, at the very least, which communications port to open. It has the format:

"Comn: [ baudrate ][ , [ parity ][ , [ data_bits ][ , [ stop_bits ][ , [ extended_options ]]]]]"

Com port to open. "1", "2", "3", "4", etc. Some platforms will support more serial ports depending on how the operating system is configured. Where n is not given, "COM:" will map to "COM1:", except on Linux where "COM:" maps to "/dev/modem"
"300" (default), "1200", ..., etc.
"N" (none), "E" (even, default), "O" (odd), "S" (space), "M" (mark), "PE" (QB-quirk: checked, even parity)
"5", "6", "7" (default) or "8".
"1", "1.5" or "2". (default value depends on baud rate and data bits, see table below)

ConditionDefault number of stop bits
baud rate <= 110 and data bits = 51.5
baud rate <= 110 and data bits >= 62
baud rate > 1101

Miscellaneous options. (See table below)

'CSn'Set the CTS duration (in ms) (n>=0), 0 = turn off, default = 1000
'DSn'Set the DSR duration (in ms) (n>=0), 0 = turn off, default = 1000
'CDn'Set the Carrier Detect duration (in ms) (n>=0), 0 = turn off
'OPn'Set the 'Open Timeout' (in ms) (n>=0), 0 = turn off
'TBn'Set the 'Transmit Buffer' size (n>=0), 0 = default, depends on platform
'RBn'Set the 'Receive Buffer' size (n>=0), 0 = default, depends on platform
'RS'Suppress RTS detection
'LF'Communicate in ASCII mode (add LF to every CR) - Win32 doesn't support this one
'ASC'same as 'LF'
'BIN'The opposite of LF and it'll always work
'PE'Enable 'Parity' check
'DT'Keep DTR enabled after CLOSE
'FE'Discard invalid character on error
'ME'Ignore all errors
'IRn'IRQ number for COM (only supported (?) on DOS)

All items except for the COM port are optional. The order of baudrate, parity, data_bits, stop_bits is fixed. Any skipped fixed item ( baudrate, etc...) must be empty.


Open Com "COM1:9600,N,,2" As 1

Opens COM1 with 9600 baud, no parity, 7 data bits and 2 stop bits.

Open Com "COM1:115200" As 1

Opens COM1 with 115200 baud, "even" parity, 7 data bits and 1 stop bits.

Platform Differences

  • On the Windows platform "COM:" maps to "COM1:"
  • On the Linux platform
"COM:" maps to "/dev/modem"
"COM1:" maps to "/dev/ttyS0"
"COM2:" maps to "/dev/ttyS1", etc
"/dev/xyz:" maps to "/dev/xyz", etc
  • The DOS serial driver is experimental and can access COM ports 1 to 4
It uses the following base io and IRQ's as default:
COM1 - &h3f8 - IRQ4
COM2 - &h2f8 - IRQ3
COM3 - &h3e8 - IRQ4
COM4 - &h2e8 - IRQ3
Since fbc-0.18.4, an alternate IRQ can be specified using the the "IRn" protocol option where "n" is 3 through 7.
Currently not supported: IRQ's on the slave PIC, alternate base I/O addresses, Timeouts and most errors as detected in QB, hardware flow control, FIFO's.
"COM:" maps to "COM1:"
Dialect Differences

  • In the -lang qb dialect the old syntax OPEN "COMx:... is supported.

Differences from QB

  • In QB the syntax was OPEN "COMx:[baudrate] [,parity, [data_bits, [stop_bits, [extended_options]]]]" FOR INPUT|OUTPUT|RANDOM AS [#] n
  • In QB, only "COM1:" and "COM2:" are supported. In FreeBASIC, any correctly configured serial port may be used.

See also

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Знаете ли Вы, что любой разумный человек скажет, что не может быть улыбки без кота и дыма без огня, что-то там, в космосе, должно быть, теплое, излучающее ЭМ-волны, соответствующее температуре 2.7ºК. Действительно, наблюдаемое космическое микроволновое излучение (CMB) есть тепловое излучение частиц эфира, имеющих температуру 2.7ºK. Еще в начале ХХ века великие химики и физики Д. И. Менделеев и Вальтер Нернст предсказали, что такое излучение (температура) должно обнаруживаться в космосе. В 1933 году проф. Эрих Регенер из Штуттгарта с помощью стратосферных зондов измерил эту температуру. Его измерения дали 2.8ºK - практически точное современное значение. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.

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