The relativity of the Galilei is expression of interaction of
inertia and can be used for gravitation only at velocity of bodies
considerably smaller of velocity of interaction
(v << U). Quite probably, the law of
inertia for high velocities has another form (that requires researches).
STR and GTR are fiction, fallacy of the researchers as a result of
violation of the laws of logic and principles of development of physics,
such, for example, as causality, cognizableness etc.
Beginning of new physics consist from:
Initial categories – invariants as mass, space, time and
category-notions of properties of matter, such as motion (velocity,
acceleration), energy, impulse. We define mass (we feel) by means of its
properties: extent, impermeability, inertness, hardness, elasticity,
pressure etc. We feel space through distribution and motion of a matter
in it. We define time through change and replacing of processes and
events. All these building-blocks of the nature exist irrespective of
our consciousness, from one another, "are irrespective to any external
things" (Newton), are fundamental in all natural phenomena and
equivalently are present at all its laws.
Graviostatics of Newton's law of universal gravitation determining
force of mutual attraction of fixed bodies on a line their connecting.
As the systems the Sun – planet and Earth – moon in this sense
practically are immovable relatively one another, the law of
graviostatics is fulfilled for them with sufficient accuracy for
practice. The greatest motion of Mercury concerning the Sun on speed and
value of deflexion from a circle results in noticeable "abnormal"
displacement of its perihelion (42" for one century).
Laws of dynamics of inertia. Inertia is special kind of interaction
of matter (mass) with ether, equivalent of gravitational,
electromagnetic and nuclear. All kinds of mathematical formalism of
dynamics of inertia written on the basis of conservation laws (Lagrange,
Hamilton, Jacobi, Ostrogradskii) and principle of least action
(Mopertui, Euler, Lagrange), and also powerless mechanics of Hertz, have
not introduced anything new in dynamics of Galilei – Newton – Euler.
Graviodynamics (law of delayed potential) of Gerber, which one
establishes relation of force of interaction of bodies and value of a
delayed potential upon a relative velocity of bodies on a line by their
connecting, and also establishes value of a radiated power of gravity
waves upon acceleration. The law of Gerber explains "abnormal"
displacement of perihelia of planets.
Phenomenon of longitudinal vibrations of moving bodies, arising due
to non-uniformity of a delayed potential. Length of oscillations is
directly proportional to phase velocities of bodies and is inversely
proportional to force of their interaction and distance between them:
λ = HVph / R · F(R),
H – coefficient of proportionality; Vph –
phase velocity; R – distance between
bodies; F(R) – law of interaction (for gravitation is
Newton's law).
After transformation the formula (1) becomes:
Еmov. = Нν, where:
Emov. – energy of moving body; ν – frequency of
longitudinal vibrations.
As the energy of moving body can be expressed by a phase velocity:
Emov. =
mVph2f 2 / 2,
m – mass of a body; Vph – phase
velocity; f = Vlin.max / Vph
– ratio of linear maximum velocity to phase, dependent upon the law of
delay of a potential;
then length of longitudinal vibrations can be expressed in the new
λ = 2H / mVphf 2,
That is modification of a de Broglie formula.
In the nature there is no smooth Newtonian motion of bodies
The resonance of longitudinal and cyclical vibrations stipulates
stability of orbits at motion of bodies in a field of central forces (at
motion of electrons around of a nucleus in atom for an electromagnetic
interaction and at motion of planets around of a central body for
gravitation). Moreover, the coefficient of proportionality H for motion of
electrons (electromagnetic interaction) is "Planck's constants". The
oscillation frequency of an electron at "jump" from one orbit on other
depends on velocity of its motion and is equal to frequency of radiation
of photons.
Thus, new physics by a natural manner includes wave quantum mechanics
for all interactions.
The new mechanics reasonably explains so-called "a defect of mass",
i.e. difference of energies of motion of a body and may be expressed by
the formula:
ΔЕ = Нν1 – Нν2
New physics restores concept of the filling all world space
ether as powerful thin matter being lightcarrying
electromagnetic medium (light is a portion of the spectrum of
electromagnetic waves of oscillations of ether).
A motion of ether is reason of all interactions
Disintegration of a matter and efflux of ether from it is a reason of a
partial dragging of ether by bodies. In outcome each body has an ethereal
lens and gradient of pressure of ether. It decreases velocity of light at
approach and augments it at removal from bodies. The dragging of ether on
a surface of large bodies (such as the Earth) approaches nearer to 100%,
that results in practical absence of effect of motion of bodies on optical
phenomena (experiments Arago and Michelson).
New physics restores a causality, determinism and force of the logical
laws (common sense). All visible known phenomena and facts of the nature,
including wave formation, vortexes, sound, light, steady orbital motions
etc., can be reasonably explained within the framework of a new
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