Pictures considered for the SRL memorial article

During the summer of 2007, as we began to write the memorial to Vitaly that was eventually submitted to Seismological Review Letters (SRL), we knew we would have to choose a photograph to go with our writing.
It was difficult to make the choice, because he had so many facets.
Should we choose one from his days in Central Asia, perhaps with children, or villagers?
Should we choose one from his days in the United States?
One that brought a smile? A tear?
A picture of Garm (he always had one on the walls of his office, showing the main buildings in their mountain setting)?
We finally chose a picture taken in 1976 by Tanya, showing Vitaly in their home in Garm, working with three students:

Others we considered were the following, beginning with three pictures of Garm:

Garm, 1953



Vitaly and his daughter Helen (Yelena)

Vitaly with people of Tajikistan

A simple picture, May 3 2003

With a smile and a tie, in 2005

Vitaly in retirement, April 2006 in Palo Alto, California, after a successful operation to mend his broken hip

Dressed for HalloweХen, 2005. This one would probably not have been appreciated by the editor (of Seismological Review Letters)!

Source: Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,

Последнее обновление 4 октября 2007 г.

Знаете ли Вы, что низкочастотные электромагнитные волны частотой менее 100 КГц коренным образом отличаются от более высоких частот падением скорости электромагнитных волн пропорционально корню квадратному их частоты от 300 тысяч кмилометров в секунду при 100 кГц до примерно 7 тыс км/с при 50 Гц.


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Bourabai Research - Технологии XXI века Bourabai Research Institution