Binary operators Operator And (Conjunction) Bits in the result are set if and only if both of the corresponding bits in the left and right-hand side operands are set. Operator Eqv (Equivalence)
Bits in the result are set if and only if both of the corresponding bits in the left and right-hand side operands are both either set or unset. Operator Imp (Implication)
Bits in the result are set if and only if the corresponding bit in the left-hand side operand implies the bit in the right-hand side operand. Operator Or (Inclusive Disjunction)
Bits in the result are set if either of the corresponding bits in the left and right-hand side operands are set.
| Operator Xor (Exclusive Disjunction) Unary operatorsBits in the result are set if and only if one of the corresponding bits in the left and right-hand side operands is set.
Operator Not (Complement) Bits in the result are set if the corresponding bits in the right-hand side operand are unset, and unset if they are set.