Returning Values refers to the ability of a
Function procedure to have a value when the function finishes such that the value can be used in an expression or assigned to a variable.
The value of a function can be returned in three ways:
'' Using the name of the function to set the return value and continue executing the function:
Function myfunc1() As Integer
myfunc1 = 1
End Function
'' Using the keyword 'Function' to set the return value and continue executing the function:
Function myfunc2() As Integer
Function = 2
End Function
'' Using the keyword 'Return' to set the return value and immediately exit the function:
Function myfunc3() As Integer
Return 3
End Function
'' This program demonstrates a function returning a value.
Declare Function myFunction () As Integer
Dim a As Integer
'Here we take what myFunction returns and add 10.
a = myFunction() + 10
'knowing that myFunction returns 10, we get 10+10=20 and will print 20.
Print a
Function myFunction () As Integer
'Here we tell myFunction to return 10.
Function = 10
End Function
See also