Name | Prototype (with parameters) | Include File | Comments |
abs_ | abs_(n as integer) as integer | | Returns the absolute value (i.e. positive value) |
acos_ | acos_(a as double) as double | | Returns the inverse cosine (angle in radians) |
asin_ | asin_(a as double) as double | | Returns the inverse sine (angle in radians) |
atan_ | atan_(a as double) as double | | Returns the inverse tan (angle in radians) |
atan2_ | atan2_(y as double, x as double) as double | | Returns the inverse tan (pass the opposite as y and the adjacent as x) |
atoi | atoi(s as zstring ptr) as integer | | Converts a character zstring of digits to a number of type integer. |
atof | atof(s as zstring ptr) as double | | Converts a character zstring of digits to a number of type double. |
calloc | calloc(NumElts as integer, EltSiz as integer) as any ptr | | Allocates memory. Returns a pointer to a buffer for an array having NumElts elements, each of size EltSiz bytes. |
ceil | ceil(d as double) as double | | Returns the nearest whole number above the value passed. |
clearerr | clearerr(s as FILE ptr) | | Clears the error indicators on a file stream (read or write). |
cos_ | cos_(ar as double) as double | | Returns the cosine of an angle measured in radians. |
cosh | cosh(x as double) as double | | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of an angle measured in radians. |
div | div(num as integer, denom as integer) as div_t | | Returns the quotient and remainder of a division as a structure of type div_t. |
ecvt | ecvt(x as double) as zstring ptr | | Converts a number to a zstring. |
exit_ | exit_(status as integer) | | Exits a program. It will flush file buffers and closes all opened files, and run any functions called by atexit(). |
exp_ | exp_(a as double) as double | | Returns the value of e raised to the power of the argument (Inverse to natural logarithm). |
fabs | fabs(d as double) as double | | Returns the absolute value (i.e. positive value) of type double. |
fclose | fclose(s as FILE ptr) as FILE ptr | | Closes a file. Returns 0 if successful otherwise EOF. |
feof | feof(s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Returns value of end-of-file indicator . (0 if not eof). Indicator will clear itself but can be reset by clearerr(). |
ferror | ferror(s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Returns error indicator for a stream (0 if no error). Error indicator is reset by clearerr() or rewind(). |
fflush | fflush(s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Flushes (i.e. deletes) a stream (use stdin to flush the stream from the keyboard). Returns 0 if successful. |
fgetc | fgetc(s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Single character input (in ASCII) from passed stream (stdin for keyboard). |
fgetpos | fgetpos(s as FILE ptr, c as fpos_t ptr) as integer | | Saves the position of the file pointer on stream s at the location pointed to by c. |
fgets | fgets(b as zstring ptr, n as integer, s as FILE ptr) as zstring ptr | | From the stream s reads up to n-1 characters to buffer b. |
floor | floor(d as double) as double | | Returns the nearest whole number below the value passed. |
fmod | fmod(x as double, y as double) as double | | Calculates the remainder of x divided by y. |
fopen | fopen(file as zstring ptr, mode as zstring ptr) as FILE ptr | | Opens a file. Pass the DOS name of the file and a code to indicate whether for reading, writing, or appending. Codes are r for read, w for write, + for read and write, a for append and b to indicate binary. |
fprintf | fprintf(s as FILE ptr, fmt as zstring ptr, ...) as integer | | Prints on stream s as many items as there are single % signs in fmt that have matching arguments in the list. |
fputc | fputc(c as integer, s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Outputs the single character c to the stream s. |
fputs | fputs(b as zstring ptr, s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Sends the character stream in b to stream s, returns 0 if the operation fails. |
fread | fread(buf as any ptr, b as size_t, c as size_t, s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Reads the number c items of data of size b bytes from file s to the buffer buf. Returns the number of data items actually read. |
free | free(p as any ptr) | | Frees the memory allocation for a pointer p to enable this memory to be used. |
freopen | freopen(file as zstring ptr, mode as zstring ptr, s as FILE ptr) as FILE ptr | | Opens a file for redirecting a stream. e.g. freopen("myfile", "w", stdout) will redirect the standard output to the opened "myfile". |
frexp | frexp(x as double, p as integer ptr) as double | | Calculates a value m so that x equals m times 2 to some power. p is a pointer to m. |
fscanf | fscanf(s as FILE ptr, fmt as zstring ptr, ...) as integer | | Reads from stream s as many items as there are % signs in fmt with corresponding listed pointers. |
fseek | fseek(s as FILE ptr, offset as integer, origin as integer) as integer | | Locates a file pointer. With origin 0, 1 or 2 for the beginning, offset bytes into and at the end of the stream. |
fsetpos | fsetpos(s as FILE ptr, p as fpos_t ptr) as integer | | Sets the file pointer for the stream s to the value pointed to by p. |
ftell | ftell(s as FILE ptr) as long | | Locates the position of the file pointer for the stream s. |
fwrite | fwrite(buf as any ptr, b as integer, c as integer, s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Writes the number c items of data of size b bytes from the buffer buf to the file s. Returns the number of data items actually written. |
getc | getc(s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Macro for single character input (in ASCII) from passed stream. (stdin for keyboard) |
getchar | getchar() as integer | | Single character input from the standard input |
gets | gets(b as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | | Reads a stream of characters from the standard input until it meets \n or EOF. |
hypot | hypot(x as double, y as double) as double | | Calculates the hypotenuse from the sides x and y. |
isalnum | isalnum(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is alphabetic or a digit. |
isalpha | isalpha(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is alphabetic. |
iscntrl | iscntrl(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is a control character. |
isdigit | isdigit(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is a digit. |
isgraph | isgraph(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is alphabetic. |
islower | islower(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non-zero value if character c is a lower case character. |
isprint | isprint(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is printable. |
ispunct | ispunct(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c is a punctuation character. |
isspace | isspace(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non zero value if character c denotes a space. |
isupper | isupper(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non-zero value if character c is an upper case character. |
isxdigit | isxdigit(c as integer) as integer | | Returns a non-zero value if character c is a hex digit (0 to F or f). |
ldexp | ldexp(x as double, n as integer) as double | | Returns the product of x and 2 to the power n. |
ldiv | ldiv(num as long, denom as long) as ldiv_t | | Returns the quotient and remainder of a division as a structure of type ldiv_t. |
log_ | log_(a as double) as double | | Returns the natural logarithm of the argument. |
log10 | log10(a as double) as double | | Returns the logarithm to the base 10 of the argument. |
malloc | malloc(bytes as integer) as any ptr | | Allocates memory. Returns a pointer to a buffer comprising storage for the specified size. |
modf | modf(d as double, p as double ptr) as double | | Returns the fractional part of a floating point number d. p points to the integral part expressed as a float. |
perror | perror(mess as zstring ptr) | | Prints on the stream stderr a message passed as the argument. |
pow | pow(x as double, y as double) as double | | Returns x to the power y. |
pow10 | pow10(x as double) as double | | Returns 10 to the power x (inverse function to log10()). |
printf | printf(fmt as zstring ptr, ...) as integer | | Prints on standard output as many items as there are single % signs in fmt with matching arguments in the list. |
putc | putc(c as integer, s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Macro to output the single character c to the stream s. |
putchar | putchar(c as integer) as integer | | Macro to output the single character c to the standard output. |
puts | puts(b as zstring ptr) as integer | | Sends the character stream in b to the standard output, returns 0 if operation fails. |
rand | rand() as integer | | Returns a pseudo random number. A seed is required. The seed is set with srand. |
realloc | realloc(p as any ptr, newsize as size_t) as any ptr | | Allocates memory. Returns a pointer to a buffer for a change in size of object pointed to by p. |
rewind | rewind(s as FILE ptr) | | Clears the error indicators on a file stream (read or write). Necessary before reading an amended file. |
scanf | scanf(fmt as zstring ptr, …) as integer | | Reads from standard input as many items as there are % signs in fmt with corresponding listed pointers. |
sin_ | sin_(ar as double) as double | | Returns the sine of an angle measured in radians. |
sinh | sinh(x as double) as double | | Returns the hyperbolic sine of an angle measured in radians. |
sprintf | sprintf(p as zstring ptr, fmt as zstring ptr, ...) as integer | | Prints on zstring p as many items as there are single % signs in fmt that have matching arguments in the list. |
sqrt | sqrt(a as double) as double | | Returns the square root of the value passed. Domain error if value is negative. |
srand | srand(seed as uinteger) | | Sets the seed for a random number. A possible seed is the current time. |
sscanf | sscanf(b as zstring ptr, fmt as zstring ptr, ...) as integer | | Reads from buffer b as many items as there are % signs in fmt with corresponding listed pointers. |
strcat | strcat(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | | Concatenates (appends) zstring s2 to s1. |
strchr | strchr(s as zstring ptr, c as integer) as zstring ptr | | Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of c in s or NULL if it fails to find one. |
strcmp | strcmp(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as integer | | Compares zstring s2 to s1. Returns 0 or signed difference in ASCII values of first non matching character. |
strcpy | strcpy(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | | Copies s2 into s1. |
strcspn | strcspn(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as integer | | Returns the number of characters in s1 encountered before meeting any of the characters in s2. |
strerror | strerror(n as integer) as zstring ptr | | Returns a pointer to a system error message corresponding to the passed error number. |
strlen | strlen(s as zstring ptr) as integer | | Returns the number of bytes in the null terminated zstring pointed to by s (does not count null). |
strncat | strncat(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr, n as integer) as zstring ptr | | Concatenates (appends) n bytes from zstring s2 to s1. |
strncmp | strncmp(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as any ptr, n as integer) as integer | | Compares n bytes of zstring s2 to the same of s1. Returns 0 or signed difference in ASCII values of first non matching character. |
strncpy | strncpy(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr, n as integer) as zstring ptr | | Copies n bytes from s2 into s1. |
strpbrk | strpbrk(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | | Returns a pointer to the first character encountered in s1 that is also in s2. |
strrchr | strrchr(s as zstring ptr, c as integer) as zstring ptr | | Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of c in s or NULL if it fails to find one. |
strspn | strspn(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as integer | | Returns the number of characters in s1 encountered before meeting a character which is not in s2. |
strstr | strstr(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | | Finds the location of the zstring s2 in s1 and returns a pointer to its leading character. |
strtod | strtod(s as zstring ptr, p as zstring ptr) as double | | Converts a zstring to double, provided the zstring is written in the form of a number. |
strtok | strtok(s1 as zstring ptr, s2 as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | | Returns pointers to successive tokens utilizing the zstring s1. Tokens regarded as separators are listed in s2. |
system | system(command as zstring ptr) as integer | | Executes, from within a program, a command addressed to the operating system written as a zstring (e.g. DIR on Windows and DOS and LS on Linux). |
tan_ | tan_(ar as double) as double | | Returns the tangent of an angle measured in radians. |
tanh | tanh(x as double) as double | | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle measured in radians. |
tolower | tolower(c as integer) as integer | | Converts a character from upper case to lower case (uses ASCII code). |
toupper | toupper(c as integer) as integer | | Converts a character from lower case to upper case (uses ASCII code). |
ungetc | ungetc(c as integer, s as FILE ptr) as integer | | Pushes a character c back into the stream s, returns EOF if unsuccessful. Do not push more than one character. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
memchr(s as any ptr, c as integer, n as size_t) as any ptr | Search for a character in a buffer. |
memcmp(s1 as any ptr, s2 as any ptr, n as size_t) as integer | Compare two buffers. |
memcpy(dest as any ptr, src as any ptr, n as size_t) as any ptr | Copy one buffer into another . |
memmove(dest as any ptr, src as any ptr, n as size_t) as any ptr | Move a number of bytes from one buffer lo another. |
memset(s as any ptr, c as integer, n as size_t) as any ptr | Set all bytes of a buffer to a given character. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
isalnum(c as integer) as integer | True if c is alphanumeric. |
isalpha(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a letter. |
isascii(c as integer) as integer | True if c is ASCII . |
iscntrl(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a control character. |
isdigit(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a decimal digit. |
isgraph(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a graphical character. |
islower(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a lowercase letter. |
isprint(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a printable character. |
ispunct(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a punctuation character. |
isspace(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a space character. |
isupper(c as integer) as integer | True if c is an uppercase letter. |
isxdigit(c as integer) as integer | True if c is a hexadecimal digit. |
toascii(c as integer) as integer | Convert c to ASCII . |
tolower(c as integer) as integer | Convert c to lowercase. |
toupper(c as integer) as integer | Convert c to uppercase. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
atof(string1 as zstring ptr) as double | Convert zstring to floating point value. |
atoi(string1 as zstring ptr) as integer | Convert zstring to an integer value. |
atol(string1 as zstring ptr) as integer | Convert zstring to a long integer value. |
itoa(value as integer, zstring as zstring ptr, radix as integer) as zstring ptr | Convert an integer value to a zstring using given radix. |
ltoa(value as long, zstring as zstring ptr, radix as integer) as zstring ptr | Convert long integer to zstring in a given radix. |
strtod(string1 as zstring ptr, endptr as zstring ptr) as double | Convert zstring to a floating point value. |
strtol(string1 as zstring ptr, endptr as zstring ptr, radix as integer) as long | Convert zstring to a long integer using a given radix. |
strtoul(string1 as zstring ptr, endptr as zstring ptr, radix as integer) as ulong | Convert zstring to unsigned long. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
_chdir(path as zstring ptr) as integer | Change current directory to given path. |
_getcwd(path as zstring ptr, numchars as integer) as zstring ptr | Returns name of current working directory. |
_mkdir(path as zstring ptr) as integer | Create a directory using given path name. |
_rmdir(path as zstring ptr) as integer | Delete a specified directory. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
chmod(path as zstring ptr, pmode as integer) as integer | Change permission settings of a file. |
fstat(handle as integer, buffer as type stat ptr) as integer | Get file status information. |
remove(path as zstring ptr) as integer | Delete a named file. |
rename_(oldname as zstring ptr, newname as zstring ptr) as integer | rename a file. |
stat(path as zstring ptr, buffer as type stat ptr) as integer | Get file status information of named file. |
umask(pmode as uinteger) as uinteger | Set file permission mask. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
clearerr(file_pointer as FILE ptr) | Clear error indicator of stream, |
fclose(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Close a file, |
feof(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Check if end of file occurred on a stream. |
ferror(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Check if any error occurred during file I/0. |
fflush(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Write out (flush) buffer to file. |
fgetc(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Get a character from a stream. |
fgetpos(file_pointer as FILE ptr, fpos_t current_pos) as integer | Get the current position in a stream. |
fgets(string1 as zstring ptr, maxchar as integer, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as zstring ptr | Read a zstring from a file. |
fopen(filename as zstring ptr, access_mode as zstring ptr) as FILE ptr | Open a file for buffered I/0. |
fprintf(file_pointer as FILE ptr, format_string as zstring ptr, args) as integer | Write formatted output to a file, |
fputc(c as integer, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Write a character to a stream. |
fputchar(c as integer) as integer | Write a character to stdout. |
fputs(string1 as zstring ptr, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Write a zstring to a stream. |
fread(buffer as zstring ptr, size as size_t count as size_t, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as size_t | Read unformatted data from a stream into a buffer. |
freopen(filename as zstring ptr, access as zstring ptr mode, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as FILE ptr | Reassign a file pointer to a different file. |
fscanf(file_pointer as FILE ptr, format as zstring ptr zstring, args) as integer | Read formatted input from a stream. |
fseek(file_pointer as FILE ptr, offset as long, origin as integer) as integer | Set current position in file to a new location. |
fsetpos(file_pointer as FILE ptr, current_pos as fpos_t) as integer | Set current position in file to a new location. |
ftell(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as long | Get current location in file. |
fwrite(buffer as zstring ptr, size as size_t, count as size_t file_pointer as FILE ptr) as size_t | Write unformatted data from a buffer to a stream. |
getc(file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Read a character from a stream. |
getchar() as integer | Read a character from stdin. |
gets(buffer as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | Read a line from stdin into a buffer. |
printf(format as zstring ptr _string, args) as integer | Write formatted output to stdout. |
putc(c as integer, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Write a character to a stream. |
putchar(c as integer) as integer | Write a character to stdout. |
puts(string1 as zstring ptr) as integer | Write a zstring to stdout. |
rewind(file_pointer as FILE ptr) | Rewind a file. |
scanf(format_string as zstring ptr, args) as integer | Read formatted input from stdin. |
setbuf(file_pointer as FILE ptr, buffer as zstring ptr) | Set up a new buffer for the stream. |
setvbuf(file_pointer as FILE ptr, buffer as zstring ptr, buf_type as integer, buf as size_t size) as integer | Set up new buffer and control the level of buffering on a stream. |
sprintf(string1 as zstring ptr, format_string as zstring ptr, args) as integer | Write formatted output to a zstring. |
sscanf(buffer as zstring ptr, format_string as zstring ptr, args) as integer | Read formatted input from a zstring. |
tmpfile() as FILE ptr | Open a temporary file. |
tmpnam(file_name as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | Get temporary file name. |
ungetc(c as integer, file_pointer as FILE ptr) as integer | Push back character into stream' s buffer |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
_close(handle as integer) as integer | Close a file opened for unbuffered I/O. |
_creat(filename as zstring ptr, pmode as integer) as integer | Create a new file with specified permission setting. |
_eof(handle as integer) as integer | Check for end of file. |
_lseek(handle as integer, offset as long, origin as integer) as long | Go to a specific position in a file. |
_open(filename as zstring ptr, oflag as integer, pmode as uinteger) as integer | Open a file for low-level I/O. |
_read(handle as integer, buffer as zstring ptr, length as uinteger) as integer | Read binary data from a file into a buffer. |
_write(handle as integer, buffer as zstring ptr, count as uinteger) as integer | Write binary data from a buffer to a file. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
abs_(n as integer) as integer | Get absolute value of an integer. |
acos_(x as double) as double | Compute arc cosine of x. |
asin_(x as double) as double | Compute arc sine of x. |
atan_(x as double) as double | Compute arc tangent of x. |
atan2_(y as double, x as double) as double | Compute arc tangent of y/x. |
ceil(x as double) as double | Get smallest integral value that exceeds x. |
cos_(x as double) as double | Compute cosine of angle in radians. |
cosh(x as double) as double | Compute the hyperbolic cosine of x. |
div(number as integer, denom as integer) as div_t | Divide one integer by another. |
exp_(x as double) as double | Compute exponential of x. |
fabs(x as double) as double | Compute absolute value of x. |
floor(x as double) as double | Get largest integral value less than x. |
fmod(x as double, y as double) as double | Divide x by y with integral quotient and return remainder. |
frexp(x as double, expptr as integer ptr) as double | Breaks down x into mantissa and exponent of no. |
labs(n as long) as long | Find absolute value of long integer n. |
ldexp(x as double, exp as integer) as double | Reconstructs x out of mantissa and exponent of two. |
ldiv(number as long, denom as long) as ldiv_t | Divide one long integer by another. |
log_(x as double) as double | Compute log(x). |
log10(x as double) as double | Compute log to the base 10 of x. |
modf(x as double, intptr as double ptr) as double | Breaks x into fractional and integer parts. |
pow(x as double, y as double) as double | Compute x raised to the power y. |
rand() as integer | Get a random integer between 0 and 32. |
random(max_num as integer) as integer | Get a random integer between 0 and max_num. |
randomize() | Set a random seed for the random number generator. |
sin_(x as double) as double | Compute sine of angle in radians. |
sinh(x as double) as double | Compute the hyperbolic sine of x. |
sqrt(x as double) as double | Compute the square root of x. |
srand(seed as uinteger) | Set a new seed for the random number generator (rand). |
tan_(x as double) as double | Compute tangent of angle in radians. |
tanh(x as double) as double | Compute the hyperbolic tangent of x. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
calloc(num as size_t elems, elem_size as size_t) as any ptr | Allocate an array and initialise all elements to zero . |
free(mem_address as any ptr) | Free a block of memory. |
malloc(num as size_t bytes) as any ptr | Allocate a block of memory. |
realloc(mem_address as any ptr, newsize as size_t) as any ptr | Reallocate (adjust size) a block of memory. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
abort() | Abort a process. |
execl(path as zstring ptr, arg0 as zstring ptr, arg1 as zstring ptr,..., NULL) as integer | Launch a child process (pass command line). |
execlp(path as zstring ptr, arg0 as zstring ptr, arg1 as zstring ptr,..., NULL) as integer | Launch child (use PATH, pass command line). |
execv(path as zstring ptr, argv as zstring ptr) as integer | Launch child (pass argument vector). |
execvp(path as zstring ptr, argv as zstring ptr) as integer | Launch child (use PATH, pass argument vector). |
exit_(status as integer) | Terminate process after flushing all buffers. |
getenv(varname as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | Get definition of environment variable, |
perror(string1 as zstring ptr) | Print error message corresponding to last system error. |
putenv(envstring as zstring ptr) as integer | Insert new definition into environment table. |
raise(signum as integer) as integer | Generate a C signal (exception). |
system_(string1 as zstring ptr) as integer | Execute a resident operating system command. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
bsearch(key as any ptr, base as any ptr, num as size_t, width as size_t, compare as function(elem1 as any ptr, elem2 as any ptr) as integer) as any ptr | Perform binary search. |
qsort(base as any ptr, num as size_t, width as size_t, compare as function(elem1 as any ptr, elem2 as any ptr) as integer) | Use the quicksort algorithm to sort an array. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
stpcpy(dest as zstring ptr, src as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | Copy one zstring into another. |
strcmp(string1 as zstring ptr, string2 as zstring ptr) as integer | Compare string1 and string2 to determine alphabetic order. |
strcpy(string1 as zstring ptr, string2 as zstring ptr) as zstring ptr | Copy string2 to string1. |
strerror(errnum as integer) as zstring ptr | Get error message corresponding to specified error number. |
strlen(string1 as zstring ptr) as integer | Determine the length of a zstring. |
strncat(string1 as zstring ptr, string2 as zstring ptr, n as size_t) as zstring ptr | Append n characters from string2 to string1. |
strncmp(string1 as zstring ptr, string2 as zstring ptr, n as size_t) as integer | Compare first n characters of two strings. |
strncpy(string1 as zstring ptr, string2 as zstring ptr, n as size_t) as zstring ptr | Copy first n characters of string2 to string1. |
strnset(string1 as zstring ptr, c as integer, size _t n) as zstring ptr | Set first n characters of zstring to c. |
strrchr(string1 as zstring ptr, c as integer) as zstring ptr | Find last occurrence of character c in zstring. |
Prototype (with parameters) | Comments |
asctime(time as type tm ptr) as zstring ptr | Convert time from type tm to zstring. |
clock() as clock_t | Get elapsed processor time in clock ticks. |
ctime(time as time_t ptr) as zstring ptr | Convert binary time to zstring. |
difftime(time_t time2, time_t time1) as double | Compute the difference between two times in seconds. |
gmtime(time as time_t ptr) as type tm ptr | Get Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) in a tm structure. |
localtime(time as time_t ptr) as type tm ptr | Get the local time in a tm structure. |
time_(timeptr as time_t ptr) as time_t | Get current time as seconds elapsed since 0 hours GMT 1/1/70. |
Понятие же "физического вакуума" в релятивистской квантовой теории поля подразумевает, что во-первых, он не имеет физической природы, в нем лишь виртуальные частицы у которых нет физической системы отсчета, это "фантомы", во-вторых, "физический вакуум" - это наинизшее состояние поля, "нуль-точка", что противоречит реальным фактам, так как, на самом деле, вся энергия материи содержится в эфире и нет иной энергии и иного носителя полей и вещества кроме самого эфира.
В отличие от лукавого понятия "физический вакуум", как бы совместимого с релятивизмом, понятие "эфир" подразумевает наличие базового уровня всей физической материи, имеющего как собственную систему отсчета (обнаруживаемую экспериментально, например, через фоновое космичекое излучение, - тепловое излучение самого эфира), так и являющимся носителем 100% энергии вселенной, а не "нуль-точкой" или "остаточными", "нулевыми колебаниями пространства". Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.