
The debugger is in the bin\win32 or bin\dos directories (the GDB.EXE file), for the Windows and DOS versions respectively. It usually comes already installed in most Linux distros.

(Note: all commands should be typed without quotes and then [return] must be pressed.)

  • Compile the sources using the -g cmd-line option to add debugging support.
  • Load it in GDB using: "gdb myapplicationname.exe"
  • Set the arguments to the application been debugged using: "set args arg1 arg2 argn". You can also run GDB and pass the arguments directly to the application been debugged: "gdb --args myapp.exe arg1 arg2 arg3".
  • If the executable isn't in the same directory of the source files where it was compiled, type: "dir path/to/my/application/sources".
  • Place a breakpoint in the first line using: "b main". To place a breakpoint in a function called "abc" use: "b ABC" (note: all in uppercase, GDB is case sensitive by default, but you can use the "set language pascal" command to change GDB to case-insensitive mode).
  • Type "r" to start the application.
  • Type "n" to step over function calls. Keep pressing [return] to skip to the next line.
  • Type "s" to step into function calls. Same as above.
  • Type "c" to continue execution until the next breakpoint.
  • Use "print ABC" to show the contents of the variable called "abc". GDB supports pointer/pointer field dereferencing, indexing and arithmetics too, so "print *MYPOINTER" will also work. (note: undeclared variables or the ones with suffixes like % & ! # $ can't be printed).
  • Use "disp ABC" to display the contents of a variable called "abc".
  • Use "watch ABC" to stop each time a variable called "abc" is changed.
  • Use "r" again to restart the application when finished.
  • Type "q" to quit.
  • Type "help" to see a list of commands, there are many others.

Знаете ли Вы, что "тёмная материя" - такая же фикция, как черная кошка в темной комнате. Это не физическая реальность, но фокус, подмена.
Реально идет речь о том, что релятивистские формулы не соответствуют астрономическим наблюдениям, давая на порядок и более меньшую массу и меньшую энергию. Отсюда сделан фокуснический вывод, что есть "темная материя" и "темная энергия", но не вывод, что релятивистские формулы не соответствуют реалиям. Подробнее читайте в FAQ по эфирной физике.


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Bourabai Research - Технологии XXI века Bourabai Research Institution