Metasearch engine

Amount of internet sites are growing rapidly at the present day. And in order to find the necessary information have been created search engines. The usual search engine uses the index.

Therefore, a list of searchable documents that have these machines is limited by their resources. At the moment there is no such system, which could cover all of the sites existing on the Internet. And as a consequence - the search is not always successful.

The need for metasearch engine

Different search engines index a huge number of websites, but it increases the proportion of "unknown" of the Internet. The reason is that each search engine uses its search algorithm, so that's a good idea - to search by multiple search engines. This service is provided and metasearch system.

The mechanism of metasearch engine

Basically, these systems do not have their own search databases and use the databases of other search engines. This is the principle: a user's query re-formed in the optimal demands for each "regular" search engine, which are addressed to different search engines.

After the results are sorted and delete duplicate references. Sort may be different. Some metasearch system, for example, sort the information found on the headings.

Today we look at metapoiskovik Yippy, which copes with it.


Learn about the capabilities of the metasearch engine. We introduce a query «telematic»

Query «telematic» in Yippy

On the left we see the results sorted into clouds of meaning, it allows you to narrow down the search scope to be divided.

The next feature of this engine - a preview page on the search page that allows you to obtain general information on the representation of its result.

Preview page in Yippy

Also Yippy provides advanced search - «Advanced search»

Advanced search of Yippy

Using it, you can specify a preferred source search, language, file type and number of results.

And, perhaps, is another useful function: «Preferences». With it you can select the number of results displayed per page, number of clouds, how to open the result to determine what data to display, as well as to limit the search area.

Yippi uses the following search engines and directories: MSN, Lycos, Looksmart, Wisenut, Open Directory, Overture